Thursday, November 21, 2019

It Had To Be You, Dino: A Touchin' 'n Tender Testimonial of the Transformin' Power of our Dino

Hey pallies, likes each and every Dino-year at our little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole we loves to share a noteworthy number of touchin' and testimonials to our most most beloved Dino in this swankly special season we tag Givin' Dino Thanks!  Likes today we share a Dino-tribute that we shared last Dino-year that we delightfully discovered by sweetly spendin' some quality time with our Dino, which we gotta 'fess up that we never ever gets 'nough of, by wonderfully watchin' some of our fantastical fav majestical moments of Dino-croonin' from The Dean Variety Show via the marvelous medium of youtube.   Somehow, we were drawn, truly we felt Dino-led to view the followin' Dino-vid of our mighty marvelous majestic Dino smoothly croonin' "It Had To Be You."

Likes while lovin'ly listenin' to this venerable virile version of our most beloved Dino singin' simply accompanied by guitar we happened to start readin' some of the hugely heartfelt comments left by other Dino-devotees when we became marvelously moved by the touchin' and tender thoughts of Mr. Luke Webster who openly and affirmatively wrote of his and his nana's awesome affection for our Dino sayin' that they "are huge Dean fans."  Not only that pallies, Luke goes on to give a tremendous testimonial to the transformin' power of our Dino as he superbly speaks of how mightily  moved his Nanna, who had recently discovered that she had oesophageal  cancer, was as she watch the video below with her grandson Luke.

Wonderfully witnessin' to how our Dino comforted his Nanna, Luke wonderfully wrote, "After the first 10 seconds she had the most beautiful smile on her face that it brought a tear to the corner of my eye." And, he goes on to give thanks to our most beloved Dino sayin' at the time, " Thankfully she is still with me, but when she isn't Dino. I would just like to say I am eternally grateful for this one memory. Hope to see you in heaven pal & merry Christmas from down below! "

Well pallies, we gotta 'fess up that we were/are deeply deeply moved by Mr. Luke Webster bein' "eternally grateful" for our how our Dino brought such happiness to his Nanna.  Likes findin' this Dino-testimonal reminds us of so so many other touchin' and tender thoughts shared by others on the pages of ilovedinomartin, several of which will be shared once 'gain here in our solemn season of Givin' Dino Thanks.  Findin' these hugely heartfelt thoughts shared by Mr. Luke Webster makes us wanna even pour more of our time and energy in spreadin' the life, times, and teachin' of our one, our only Dino.

We truly truly thank Mr. Luke Webster for sharin' this most movin' testimonial of our awesomely amazin' Dino.   Likes we only wishes that we had discover and shared this long long 'go.  If you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will find it in it's original format at youtube.  Total thanks as well to youtuber "MrsCrocetti," a deeply Dino-philic person herself, for puttin' this up on youtube for our Dino-delight!

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin - It had to be you

Luke Webster

Months ago me & my family discovered my Nanna (Grandma) had oesophageal  cancer. The next day I went to visit her at her home & on youtube I happened to come across this video in the suggestions as me and my Nanna are huge Dean fans. So I decided to play it (I don't know why). After the first 10 seconds she had the most beautiful smile on her face that it brought a tear to the corner of my eye. Thankfully she is still with me, but when she isn't Dino. I would just like to say I am eternally grateful for this one memory. Hope to see you in heaven pal & merry Christmas from down below! 


  1. The power of Dino, my friends.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, ain't it hugely heartwarmin' to find the complete comfort that our Dino continues to bring to the mighty masses of Dino-devotees. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
