Sunday, November 24, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Canadian Sunset"

Welcome back, pals!

Hey...likes I know it's a few days early still, but...HAPPY DAY of GIVIN' DINO THANKS!!!

Yes siree, pallies...tis' the season once 'gain!

The season for ponderin' our blessins', mi amici!

Ponderin' our lives!

Ponderin'...MR. DEAN MARTIN!
Haha!!'s true, ol' Dino-diggin' friends o mine...I'm serious!
 I thinks 'bout ALL the different ways Dino helps me ALL year long, & I am SO SO greatful!

Makes EVERYDAY SO SO much brighter!
SO SO much funner!
SO SO much more meaningful to me!

REALLY makes me appreciate the MANY MANY ways I've been blessed.

Yup...he's my main man, pallies!

He takes my mind off the negative vibes...steers me in the right direction...& get's me back on track.

Hey pals...we ALL have bad days.
I have my share.
BUT...we also have GREAT days!
Keep focused on those, my friends....& give Dino-thanks.
Call them "Dino-days".
Those are the important ones.
Youse got this!

Anyways, mi amici...I thinks I'll kick off this Cool Cool holiday seasonal Serenade with my usual Cool Cool "pre-holiday" seasonal Dino-jam!

"Canadian Sunset".

It just gets me in the right frame of mind, for what's headin' our way...CHAOS!!!
Just kiddin' , pals.

It's a great time of year to REALLY look at anythin' & everythin' good in our lives & be appreciative.

No matter what or who it thankful.

Life is TRULY a blessin'.

As long as we have our & friends...and of course...the ONE & ONLY Dino...Life is good!



  1. Can you believe that Thanksgiving day is almost upon us!? Weren't we just celebrating Halloween!? My oh My, how time keeps marching forward. This has to be one of the best periods of the year. Celebrating all we have to be thankful for with family and or friends. We all have good and bad days, it is just part of life. Too often we only focus in the negative when we should be celebrating what is good. As you mentioned Danny G., life is truly a blessing. It is so very short and we really need to concentrate on the best of things no matter how small they mite appear to be.

    A wonderful and special song this week is 'Canadian Sunset' by the one and only Dean Martin. What a wonderful song and 'Pre-Holiday' celebration. Thank you Danny G. for continuing this tradition year after year.

    I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving Day.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, once 'gain so swankly stated 'bout the mighty many and veritable variety of wondrous ways that we have been and will continued to be beautifully blessed by our beloved DINO! Thanks for all you do for bringin' our main man to the masses! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our beyond beloved DINO!

  3. Dino is the reason for the "Day of Givin' Dino-Thanks" season, pals! My pleasure do my tiny tiny part in spreading' the Dino-vibes! Happy Thanksgivin' to all!
