Friday, November 01, 2019

An Extra Dino-ween Treat From Our Most Beloved Dino And His Most Beloved Partner Mr. Jerry Lewis

Image result for scared stiff dean martin jerry lewis

Hey pallies, likes we're back with more incredible info on that Dino & Jerry classic, "Scared Stiff" that we found at the bodacious blog "SCENES FROM THE MORGUE - THE LOST ART OF PULP ADS - FILM, BOOZE, SMOKES, & WHOLE LOT MORE."   Many of the excellent entries at this wild web pad are movie adverts taken from newspapers of the day and today's bonus Dino-gram is of that type and stripe.

Likes  we gotta 'fess up that we have  always always thought of this Dino & Jerry comedy 'round the time of Dino-ween, but we learned below that it came out in July of the year of our Dino 1953.  To that we say crazy man, crazy!    We deeply deeply digs seein' all of these original pulp ads takin' us beautifully back to the days when our Dino walked the earth and was in the marvelous midst of his 10---count 'em---10 years of the coolest of cool collaboration with his partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  Likes we trust all youse Dino-philes will also enjoy this extra Dino-ween treat and be sure to check in often here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave 'cause we plan to offer more delightful Dino-treats from this new-to-ilovedinomartin-blog in the fabulous future!

We sez our thanks once 'gain to the pallies at "SCENES FROM THE MORGUE - THE LOST ART OF PULP ADS - FILM, BOOZE, SMOKES, & WHOLE LOT MORE."  for sharin' these hugely historic moments in the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.   To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Four for the 4th :: You’ll Fracture Your Funny Bone when You Dig these Crazy Ghost-Busters! (July, 1953)

Scared Stiff (1953) Paramount Pictures / EP: Joseph H. Hazen / P: Hal B. Wallis / D: George Marshall / W: Herbert Baker, Walter DeLeon, Ed Simmons, Norman Lear, Paul Dickey (play), Charles W. Goddard (play) / C: Ernest Laszlo / E: Warren Low / M: Leith Stevens / S: Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Lizabeth Scott, Carmen Miranda, Dorothy Malone, Walter Ching

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