Thursday, October 10, 2019

En images : Matt Helm, agent très spécial

Hey pallies, likes we are always thrilled to find examples extraordinare of how deep devotion to our Dino comes from all over the universe and covers each and every aspect of our Dino's life, times, and teachin's.  Today as we continue enjoyin' many and varied celebrations of our most beloved Dino as super swingin' spy Matt Helm we take you to a French pad tagged "Challenges" where they have shared a quartet of incredible images of our Dino as Matt Helm under the tag " En images : Matt Helm, agent très spécial."

While we normally translate posts to English, we have chosen not to this time 'cause we deeply digs the original french darin'ly declarin' that Matt Helm is "agent très spécial".....indeed our main man is always "très spécial," but we would add 'specially so as the masterful Matt Helm.  The four swank screen caps appear to all be taken from Helmer uno, "The Silencers" and they are all very very special images of our one and only Dino...a couple of just Dino and a couple with his leadin' ladies.

Likes we stunnin'ly salute the pallie or pallies at "Challenges" for swankly salutin' our King of Cool in this way and helpin' their remarkable readership grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our most most beloved Dino.  It is widely stated that the French love our Dino's partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, which we thinks is swell, it also shows the awesome admiration the French have for our Dino as well.
To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

En images : Matt Helm, agent très spécial


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