Tuesday, October 01, 2019

.....Dean Martin, my Uncle Bean.....

Image result for SAMEER SURI
Hey pallies, likes welcome back for that radiant remembrance by Miss Tori Spelling of the time that her goddaddy-o , our Dino, stayed with her family at their Malibu digs when she was a child.  First we wanna shouts out our awesome appreciato once 'gain to our pallies at google Dino-'lerts 'cause without 'em we woulda never have discovered this Dino-tale to share.

Likes our google pallies sent us a Dino-'lert that sent us off to the Brit blog "Daily Mail" where superb scriber Mr. Sameer Suri (pictured on the left) prosed the noteworthy news, "Candy Spelling lists seven-bedroom Malibu beach house she shared with TV mogul husband Aaron for $23M."

Suri extraordinary essay of prose 'n pixs includes the sweet story of the time when our Dino stayed at the Spelling digs that are now on the market.   Likes as all youse Dino-philes will read below this touchin' 'n tender tale by Miss Spelling was first published "in her memoir Stori Telling" and it includes that our most beloved Dino was known as Tori's "Uncle Bean."  We are tremendously thrilled to learn this neatest of neat Dino-detail...and we wonder just how our Dino got the "Uncle Bean" tag.  And, we also largely loves Tori's wonder words of how our King of Cool shot " golf balls into the ocean."

We thanks Mr. Sameer Suri for includin' these delightful Dino-remembrances in his prose and Miss Tori Spelling for originally sharin' them in her memoir.  To checks this out in it's original source and to read more and see the potent pixs of the Spelling's digs in Malibu, simply once 'gain, clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin, Tori Spelling

Candy Spelling lists seven-bedroom Malibu beach house she shared with TV mogul husband Aaron for $23M


In her memoir Stori Telling, Tori dished that Dean Martin took refuge at the Spellings' Malibu home amid his split from one of his three wives.

'This is the same beach house where Dean Martin, my Uncle Bean, came to stay for a summer during his divorce. He was a huge golfer and traveled with a stockpile of golf balls that had his autograph printed on them,' she wrote.

'Every morning he'd set up a driving range on the private beach in front of our house and shoot golf balls into the ocean. People from all sides of the beach would be diving into the water to collect those golf balls as souvenirs, but Uncle Bean would just keep hitting the balls, completely oblivious,' Tori dished.


  1. Uncle Bean?! Haha!! That's a new one! I can DEF I NATE LY see Dino...probably in deep deep thought 'bout the divorce & his life in general...battin' balls into the deep blue sea. Was obviously Dean's remedy for any "agita" that came his way. And I'm so so sure it looked like he didn't have a care in the world! Haha!! Yup...that's our pal!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, don't youse deeply deeply digs all these terrific tidbits of Dino- abilia?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Keeps learnin' 'n growin', sharin' 'n lovin' our most most most beloved DINO!
