Thursday, October 03, 2019

..... but there’s something about the way Dean Martin sings this that just has my heart swelling like crazy.

Ari Eastman
Hey pallies, likes welcome back to 'nother daily dose of deep deep Dino-devotion from our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-waterin' hole.  Today we visit with 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog tagged 'THOUGHT CATALOG" where way back in 2015, February 22 to be exact, a cool chick tagged Miss Ari Eastman (pictured on the left) published a  marvelous musical post tagged "13 Songs For When You Start Crushing Hard On Someone."
In speakin' of herself, Ari tags herself "real(ly not) chill. poet. writer. mental health activist. mama shark."

Likes as youse guessed it Dino-philes one of Miss Eastman's swank selected songs is a completely coolly classic croon from our most most beloved Dino.  Her numero duo selection as  youse will neatly note below is none other then our King of Cool's huge huge hit from his fantastic flick "Bells Are Ringing."  "Just In Time."

As Ari sweetly states, "... nothing gets me quite as fluttery as this song," and she goes on to passionately proclaim, "....there’s something about the way Dean Martin sings this that just has my heart swelling like crazy."  Likes we couldna 'gree more with her supremely smitten statement of Dino-rapture!  It always brings us so so much Dino-happiness to hear let 'nother lovely lady stunnin'ly singin' the powerful praises of our one, our only Dino.

We are so so sorry that it has taken us likes tons and tons of times to get this Dino-prose shared with all youse's one of over 2000 drafts that we are slowly ut surely workin' through.
We sez our thoughtful thanks to Miss Ari Eastman for speakin' her awesome appreciato for our great great man and this great great croon and to the pallies at "THOUGHT CATALOG for puttin' into print.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

13 Songs For When You Start Crushing Hard On Someone

By Ari Eastman,

Oh, so you’ve got a crush? Maybe it’s the beginning stages of a relationship. Maybe you just really, really think that barista is cute and you fantasize about the life you could have together every time they call out your name. What? Totally normal. Totally okay. For those entering (or already residing in) Crushtown, USA, here are some songs to compliment all those butterflies you’ve got swarming your body.

2. “Just In Time” – Dean Martin

Sticking with the older song theme, nothing gets me quite as fluttery as this song. The Frank Sinatra version is also wonderful, but there’s something about the way Dean Martin sings this that just has my heart swelling like crazy.


  1. This is my jam!!! Haha!! Fell in LOVE with this cool cool Dino-croon when I first seen "Liz & Dick"...the made for TV flick 'bout Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton. GREAT flick BTW. Soon as I heard Dean's velvet vocals durin' the openin' credits...I KNEW I was in for a COOL COOL ride!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks ever so much for sharin' this warmly wonderful Dino-memory of your very Dino-own! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our coolest of cool King of Cool!

  3. I've heard many others sing "Just in Time." But none of those versions even begin to match the wonderful way that our Dino sings this tune. He makes it his own!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...likes we are in total total Dino-agreement with youse on this. We woulda goes so far as to say that every Dino-croon tops any other singer's version of the very same songs. Keeps lovin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!
