Friday, September 13, 2019

Dean Martin is just the epitome of cool, even more so than anyone who ever played the James Bond character.

Hey pallies, likes we warmly welcome all youse Dino-holics back for a second incredible installment of remarkable rad reflections powerfully praisin' our most beloved Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm from the beautiful blog "Talking Pulp."  This time 'round our unknown but much appreciated (by ilovedinomartin) reviewer shares his tremendous thrillin' thoughts on Helm duo, "Murders' Row."

Likes let's cut to the Dino-chase and simply share this powerful proser's Dino-delight....

Dean Martin is just the epitome of cool, even more so than anyone who ever played the James Bond character. Martin existed on an otherworldly level when it came to cool and because of that, these films sort of have an edge even on the James Bond franchise. Well, at least in the realm of pure coolness.

 Martin is just a lovable guy, even with his womanizing ways. He exudes a certain kind of panache that is missing in modern times because such characters aren’t considered “socially acceptable” anymore. While some may consider Dean Martin a relic of a bygone chauvinistic era, I think he’s a harmless and wholesome guy that just appreciates a pretty girl and isn’t afraid to express his admiration.

Likes if there ever was a Dino-reviewer that we woulda loves to be in Dino-communicato with it would be Mr. Talking Pulp dude!  His amazin' adulation of our one and only Dino is so so beautiful to behold and we knows we woulda have the deepest of Dino-delight in talkin' Dino together!  We couldn't 'gree more that we digs our Dino the mostest as Helm as this reflective reviewer sez, "I love seeing him play a fun loving super spy probably more than any other role he’s had."  And, to add to our Dino-happiness, this delightful dude also loves "Murders' Row" the mostest as he sez, "And as much as I loved the first film, this one is a wee bit better.

Once 'gain we woulda loves to the name the name of this awesome adulator of our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm and let's him keenly know how mucho much we are one-in-Dino with him.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  Stop by on the morrow for the last but not least Dino-report on "The Ambushers."

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Film Review: Murderers’ Row (1966)

Release Date: December 20th, 1966
Directed by: Henry Levin
Written by: Herbert Baker
Based on: Murderers’ Row by Donald Hamilton
Music by: Lalo Schifrin
Cast: Dean Martin, Ann-Margret, Karl Malden, Camilla Sparv, Dean Paul Martin, Desi Arnaz Jr.
Columbia Pictures, 105 Minutes
“Well what shall I do with the costume?” – Miss January, “Drop it in the ashtray.” – Matt Helm
Man, I really love these Matt Helm movies with Dean Martin. There is also four of them so this is really a quadrilogy of James Bondparodies three decades before the more famous parody trilogy Austin Powers.
Dean Martin is just the epitome of cool, even more so than anyone who ever played the James Bond character. Martin existed on an otherworldly level when it came to cool and because of that, these films sort of have an edge even on the James Bond franchise. Well, at least in the realm of pure coolness.
They also have a ’60s go-go vibe, mixed with a Tiki aesthetic and feel like they could fit within the same universe as the 1960s Batman television show. These movies are fun, entertaining and pretty hilarious. Martin is just a lovable guy, even with his womanizing ways. He exudes a certain kind of panache that is missing in modern times because such characters aren’t considered “socially acceptable” anymore. While some may consider Dean Martin a relic of a bygone chauvinistic era, I think he’s a harmless and wholesome guy that just appreciates a pretty girl and isn’t afraid to express his admiration. Granted, if he existed today, he’d probably be one of the dozens upon dozens of Hollywood men accused of something naughty.
In this film, Martin is joined by Ann-Margret, who was a mega star at the time. Despite the significant age difference, which was never really an issue for James Bond, it was cool seeing Dean Martin and Ann-Margret come together and star in this film, almost working as a tandem in the second half of the story.
Karl Malden plays the villain and he was a well-known veteran actor at the time that brought some extra gravitas and legitimacy to this production. While his role here wasn’t as challenging as his roles in On the WaterfrontA Streetcar Named Desire or Patton, he looked to be having fun and he really brought something to the picture that was lacking in the first film, even though I liked Victor Buono as the bad guy in that one.
These Matt Helm movies aren’t necessarily cinematic masterpieces but they are a blast to watch. Dean Martin was always great but I love seeing him play a fun loving super spy probably more than any other role he’s had. And as much as I loved the first film, this one is a wee bit better.
Rating: 8/10
Pairs well with: The SilencersThe Ambushers or The Wrecking Crew: the other Matt Helm films.

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