Sunday, September 29, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Only Forever"

Welcome back, pals o mine!

How's thins'?

Did youse get the yardwork started yet?

Pack up the patio stuff?

Stock the shelves with crushed tomatoes & vino?! Haha!!

Hey,'s gonna be gettin' chilly 'round these parts!
I needs my Fall supplies!

Yup...its that time of year, my friends.

Time to hunker down & turn the Dino up!

I'm thinkin' if we can gets' 'nough Dino-tunes flowin' this Fall...we should be able to keep that "warm & fuzzy" glow uh-glowin' right through to Spring!

Now, palsies, are youse with me?!?!?!
I just knew I could count on ALL my fellow Disciples of Dean, out there! here's what we is gonna do.

Seein' how Monday is the last day of September...& chilly ol' October is comin' up next...I thinks we should EASE into the cool cool weather headin' our way, with a "nice n' easy" Dino-tune.

How's 'bout somethin' off Dean's "Pretty Baby" vinyl masterpiece?

DEF I NATE LY one of my FAVE al b ums.

I knows of a jam that will relax us right into this fantastic frenzy of foliage headin' our way, mi amici!

This week's Serenade, "Only Forever", is just what the doctor ordered!

It's calm & soothin' & is SURE to light the fires that will keep us warm.

I'm also completely & whole heartedly lovin' & diggin' this cool new vid, that's I stumbled over!
Lots of great great pics of our main dude, Dino...that I ain't never laid eyes on!

Now , I don't know 'bout youse guys...but I'm gonna go pour me some of that "Fall supply" vino...& heat this beautiful mornin' up!
I is feelin' a little chill in the air!

Join Dean & I, pallies!
Youse'll be all SNUGGLY 'til the April thaw comes!



  1. We are heading straight into fall and things are starting to cool down a bit, even here in Florida. Way better way to take us into the new season is with a little Dean Martin A great sounding toon as always Danny G.! You always manage to capture the feel of the week perfectly with Dean!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for 'nother swank swoon by our most most beloved Dino. Thanks to today's technology Dino-croons will be 'round "forever" for each new generation to greatly grooves on! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. Glad youse fellas enjoyed the Dino-croon as much as I! Yup...ol' New England is startin' to see the leaves & temperatures fallin'. No problem though...we gots the fires of Dino to keep us warm! Haha!! See youse next week!
