Monday, September 09, 2019

,,,,,and then the Year 6’s all got up and sung That’s Amore by Dean Martin and they had hearts and they were so exuberant, it was really beautiful.”

Image result for dean martin that's amore

Hey pallies, likes we loves the deep deep diversity of Dino-devotion that we get to regularly share with all youse Dino-philes gathered 'round our humble little Dino-waterin' hole.  We loves reportin' on the awesome adulation of our most beloved Dino that comes from literally the four corners of the Dino-globe.  We loves sharin' amazin' appreciato that comes from pallies of all ages and stages in their Dino-walk.

Likes we 'specially digs sharin' how so so marvelously many of today's youth are bein' guided 'long the Dino-path at tender ages givin' them a great start in knowin', lovin' and sharin' our most most beloved Dino.   Today we are profoundly please to be able to report on a great group of sixth graders from Australia's Noosaville State School  that shared in  school sponsored Italian Day festivities.

From the pen of Miss Caitlin Zerafa comes the "Noosa News" article "Italian festa a feast of creativity, culture" that shares the noteworthy news that part of the Italiano events was to have a premier parade in which the 6th graders' coolest of cool contribution was to sing our Dino's classic croon, "That's Amore."  Likes in speakin' 'bout the sixth graders singin', Italian teacher Miss Maria Sheehan proudly proclaimed, “they had hearts and they were so exuberant, it was really beautiful.”

How wonderful is that pallies?!?!?!?  What a thrill it musta been to see a whole class of sixth graders with huge hearts and extraordinary exuberance!!!!!    Truly mere words can never express fully how our hearts rejoice at the thought of a group of pre-Deanagers passionately singin' this delightful Dino-tune.   We trust that these youngens received at least a bit of Dino-schoolin' on our King of Cool as they were learnin' this Dino-standard.

We woulda loves to have been able to hear these youth givin' their all to their singin', but we will be sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic Dino's croonin' of "That's Amore" from it's original source, the Martin & Lewis big screen classic, "The Caddy."  Hats off to teacher Miss Maria Sheehan for sharin' this story with the folks at local rag "Noosa News" and for scriber Miss Caitlin Zerafa for puttin' pen to paper for all us Dino-holics to soak in.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Italian festa a feast of creativity, culture

Caitlin Zerafa

30th Aug 2019

COSTUME creativity reached a new level at this year’s Italian Day festivities with students at Noosaville State School receiving top marks.

“We had a really wonderful parade and the Year 4 and 5’s sang a song and then the Year 6’s all got up and sung That’s Amore by Dean Martin and they had hearts and they were so exuberant, it was really beautiful.”


  1. Talk about a classic song and a video I have not seen before, a great post DMP. It is not too often to hear about school kids who channel Dean Martin in class so this find and selection is extra special. It never ceases to amaze me the people that still celebrate Dean to this very day. Nice work my friend.

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o we too were totally totally thrilled to discover this fabulous focus on our main man by some of today's youth. Keeps lovin' our mighty, marvelous, majestic DINO!

  3. Awesome stuff, pal! I also TOTALLY loves knowin' that the Dino-torch is burnin' bright & will someday be passed 'long to the generations to come!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed it brightly brings us such Dino-delight that ops are bein; offered to today's youngens to grow in knowin', lovin', and sharin' our most most beloved Dino.
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our DINO!
