Friday, August 09, 2019

I watched a lot of Dean Martin variety shows on YouTube.

Image result for dean martin variety show gifs
Hey pallies, likes we here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave have often reverently reflected on the teachin's of our most beloved Dino and their continual incredible  impact on the livin' of life of Dino-philes everywhere.  Today we wanna gives true testimony of how an awesome author of wonderful works of fiction has drawn deeply on our Dino's wonderful work on the small screen to powerfully prepare her for scribin' her latest volume of mystery murder and mayhem.

Likes recently our pallies at google Dino-'lerts sent us off to radio station WAMU 88.5  -AMERICAN UNIVERSITY RADIO, in Washington D.C. where an interview was conducted with New York Times Bestsellin' Author Miss Laura Lippman on her new tome, "Lady In The Lake" which is based on "two real-life disappearances in 1960s Baltimore."  Likes below we share an excellent excerpt of a interview with  Miss Lippman conducted by the Washington D.C.  NPR station.  As we know all youse Dino-philes will greatly groove on  revelatory remarks shared by Laura where in she states that a potent part of her research for writin' her new work of fiction includin' her viewin'  "a lot of Dean Martin variety shows on YouTube."

How simply stunnin'ly sweet it is pallies to see a New York Times Best Selling Author turnin' to our most beloved Dino and filmed  episodes of his weekly variety show on the the peacock channel as
a supreme source for primo researchin' of the swingin' sixties vib in scribin' her new novel.  Likes pallies, truly truly this is powerfully powerful proof positive of the total total transformin' power of our Dino as well as deeply deeply demonstratin' the remarkable reality that indeed our Dino's  life, times, and teachin's  truly truly transcends bein' mere entertainment and reliably reflectin' the
incredible influence of the culture of the day.

To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  To listen to the NPR interview click  HERE to go to NPR's home pad on the 'net.  ilovedinomartin salutes Miss Laura Lippman's open and affirmin' proclamation of her viewin' of a ton of our Dino's small screen shows as a premier source of research.  Thanks also to radio station WAMU 88.5 and all the pallies at NPR for broadcastin' this Dino-information far and wide.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Real Disappearances Are The Premise For Laura Lippman’s ‘Lady In The Lake.'

On mixing fact and fiction

Once I’ve decided that a real-life crime is going to be my inspiration, I do no more research about it. Because I don’t really want to know about that crime. I’ve been drawn to it because of some sort of thematic possibility. … It’s like, this is the story I want to tell, so I can’t be weighed down by what’s true.

But I really do find that the tiny details, when you’re writing about a historical era, help it to come to life. I spent a lot of time looking at things that aren’t central to the book at all. I watched a lot of Dean Martin variety shows on YouTube. I like to look at magazines and study the ads because I feel like ads show us what people aspire to in the moment. … I read the recipes in The New York Times, and thought about: What would Maddie be looking at? What would she be seeing? What would be of interest to her?


  1. Very cool, pals! Dino...once ' helpin' someone get a certain vibe...a certain feel, for a moment in time that is long gone by...but is still very much longed for. Good stuff, pallie!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the Dino-show was were it was at in the day....and now how cool to have 'em be used to research the days when Dino walked the earth. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one our only DINO!

  3. Another great find!

    This book is all the rage right now. Miles long lines for library reserves.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...have grand to know that this purely popular novelist has turned to our most beloved Dino for her inspiration to create 'nother best seller. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our main man DINO!
