Thursday, July 25, 2019

On This Day In Dino-history: July 25, 1946

Hey pallies, likes yesterday was a day of  reverent rememberin'  the last time that our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis performed on stage together, and today is that huge of huge  historic day in all of Dino-history that Martin and Lewis began their decade long partnership of comedy. seventy-three years 'go this very day, July 25, 1946 our great great man and the ever ever funny Jerry Lewis did their first nightclub performance in Atlantic City together at the Club 500...and the world was never ever the same 'gain...and likes never ever will be!

Today's Dino-remembrance comes from the blog pad "Triviazoids - Day-To-Day Look At History Links" by Mr. Brad Williams.  (Once 'gain this particular post is no longer posted at the Triviazoid's site.)  Likes everythin' our Dino does it likes purely purely the point that the team of Martin and Lewis performed for exaxtly 10 years to the day....beginnin' July 25, 1946 and endin' as we shared yesterday on July 24, 1956. Certainly this was the decade of comedic brilliance between our beloved Dino and  Mr. Lewis.

So so loves rememberin' and honorin' these incredibly important days in the life and times of our amazin' King of Cool. ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Brad Williams for reverently rememberin' and hugely honorin' this very very special day in the life and times of our most beloved Dino!

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

“Layyyyyy-deeee!” Did you know the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis performed together for the first time on 25th in 1946 at a club in Atlantic City? Martin and Lewis also officially broke up on July 24th, 1956.

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