Friday, July 12, 2019

Jerry Lewis, Paulajane D'Amato, her father, Paul Skinny" D'Amato, and Dean Martin, at the 500 Club, which was located off Missouri Avenue, in Atlantic City.

Hey pallies, likes we warmly welcome all youse Dino-holics back for the fifth installment of our eight part series of Dino-devotion amazin'ly accentin' our most beloved Dino and his awesome association with the 500 Club located in Atlantic City.  This supreme series of Dino-poses comes from the post "GALLERY: Look back at The 500 Club in the Atlantic City" from the online presence of  "THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY."

Likes today we're back to the terrific times when our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, were makin' the scene together energetically entertainin' eager audiences at the 500 Club.  In the incredibly intriguin' image below, let's note how our Dino stands out once 'gain as the cool cool center of affectionate attention in this stellar snapshot.  Dressed to the nines with fedora on his head, note how his fantastic fans, includin' Mr. Jerry Lewis, are absolutely awestruck to be in his immediate presence.  Likes particularly note the lovin' look of the deepest of deep devotion on Mr. Lewis' face and the young laddie on our Dino's right who is obviously thrilled beyond thrilled to be so near to our great great man.

We express our absolute appreciation once 'gain to Miss Paulajane D'Amoto for sharin' this delightful Dino-pix with the pallies at "THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY" so that we coulda pass it on to Dino-philes 'round the Dino-universe.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  We'll be back in a few to continue this series after we share more special days of Dino-history with all youse who name the name of our Dino.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

GALLERY: Look back at The 500 Club in the Atlantic City

A look back photo gallery of the 500 Club, which was located off Missouri Avenue, in Atlantic City, and was the venue for some of the most popular performers of the 1950's and 1960's including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Patti Page.

Jerry Lewis, Paulajane D'Amato, her father, Paul Skinny" D'Amato, and Dean Martin, at the 500 Club, which was located off Missouri Avenue, in Atlantic City.


  1. Hey pal...we ALL stand in absolute AWE of Dino. Who wouldn't?! There's "cool"...& then there's "Dean Martin cool". Doesn't get any better, mi amici.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, and that's why we are deeply deeply deeply devoted to our amazin' awesome DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous magnificent DINO!
