Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dean Martin was a regular performer at the 500 Club, in Atlantic City.

Hey pallies, likes we return with the sixth of eight Dino-grams originatin' from the world wide web home of noteworthy news source 'THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY," who has sweetly shared a vast variety of particular pixs related to the life and times of the 500 Club in Atlantic City....that coolest of cool club when our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis" began their celebratory comedic  career.  Over the last several days we have shared a number of immensely intriguin' images awesome accentin' our one, our only Dino in the amazin' article, "GALLERY: Look back at The 500 Club in the Atlantic City."

Likes today we are proudly pleased to share with all youse Dino-adulators an extraordinarily expressive pleasin' pose of our most beloved Dino sweetly smilin' his delightful Dino-buddha grin.
Our Dino is his completely charmin' self as he leans on a chair and wears a button shirt sweater boastin' a 500 Club logo.   We gotta 'fess up that seein' our Dino so so hugely happy brings the biggest of big Dino-buddha grin to our faces as well.

Keen kudos 'gain to Miss Paulajane D'Amoto, the daughter of 500 Club owner Mr. Paul "Skinny" D'Amato who has shared this potent pose with the pallies at "THE PRESS AT ATLANTIC CITY"
who has posted it on their blog pad and helped us pass it along to Dino-devotees near and far.
To checks this out in it's original source likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  We are perfectly pleased to be able to provide these Dino-gems connected to our Dino's work at the 500 Club as we remember the team of Martin & Lewis' beginnin' and endin' of their decade career together.

Tomorrow is 'nother delightful day in Dino-history to share, and then back to the last couple of Dino-poses to conclude this Dino-series.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

GALLERY: Look back at The 500 Club in the Atlantic City

A look back photo gallery of the 500 Club, which was located off Missouri Avenue, in Atlantic City, and was the venue for some of the most popular performers of the 1950's and 1960's including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Patti Page.

Dean Martin was a regular performer at the 500 Club, in Atlantic City.

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