Saturday, July 27, 2019

..... but Robbie has one of its most moving scenes, in which Tate goes to a theater to watch herself in a new Dean Martin–Matt Helm movie.

The Wrecking Crew

Hey pallies, likes we are bein' fantastically filled up to the beautiful brim with the deepest of deep Dino-happiness 'cause our email Dino-account is bein incredibly inundated with totally totally tons of google Dino-'lerts as the remarkable result of  Mr. Quentin Tarantino's lastest big screen epic, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" bein' released yester-Dino-day.  Likes reflective reviews of this fanastic film are already powerfully pourin' in to the world wide web and it seems that every single one of 'em is liftin' up the beloved name of our most most beloved Dino as Tarantino's new's release has a swank segment where awesome actress  Miss Margot Robbie plays Miss Sharon Stone starrin' in our Dino's last of the Matt Helm cool capers, "The Wrecking Crew."

Likes each and every Dino-'lert reminds readers that it was our one and only Dino who Miss Stone starred with.  Just the mere mention of the name of our Dino will certainly  sends more and more pallies of all types and stripes into deeper, purer, and truer amazin' adulation of our King of Cool.
And, likes, we thrill to think of the terrific throngs of nouveau hipsters who will delightfully discover our Dino for the first time and be lovin'ly led into the Dino-fold.

Limited time 'n energy resources will never ever permit us to share with all youse Dino-philes each and every Dino-mention from each and every one of the google Dino-'lerts that we have received, but below is a potent portion of a representative sample of 'em to make our case from the home pad of swank site tagged "VULTURE," where Mr. David Edelstein superbly scribed the flick reveiw, "Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Is a Seductive Pipe Dream."

We gotta 'fess up that we are dreamily dreamin' of the marvelous masses of pallies who will seduced into devotion to our most beloved Dino by the mere mention of his name in review after review of "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."  We thank Mr. David Edelstein and the pallies at "Vulture" as well as countless other scribers and 'net pads that are namin' the name of our mighty marvelous majestic Dino as they reverently reflect on Mr. Quentin Tarantino's recent release.

To check out Edelstein's review and read it in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

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Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Is a Seductive Pipe Dream

By David Edelstein

For a while, Once Upon a Time seems as if it’s going to be nothing but a series of extended digressions. But it’s shaped like a Western, and gets better, tighter, and more surprising as it moseys along, plainly building to the grisly, still-inexplicable tragedy that’s said to have ended the hedonistic feel of late-’60s Hollywood. Next door to Rick on Cielo Drive in the Hollywood Hills live Roman Polanski — super-hot off Rosemary’s Baby — and his young bride, Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie), whom we know going in will be butchered on the night of August 9, 1969, by Manson family members at the behest of their psychotic overlord. Tate is the film’s third and lesser protagonist, but Robbie has one of its most moving scenes, in which Tate goes to a theater to watch herself in a new Dean Martin–Matt Helm movie. If Tarantino has a Dream Girl, it would be Robbie here, her dirt-smudged bare feet (he’s notorious for his foot fetishism) on the chair in front of her, wide-eyed at seeing herself best Nancy Kwan in a karate fight. Be still my heart! That the footage onscreen is of the real Sharon Tate makes the sequence even more poignant.

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