Tuesday, July 09, 2019

500 Club owner Paul "Skinny" D'Amato (top) with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, at the 500 Club, in Atlantic City.

Hey pallies, likes we back once 'gain for a tremendous third incredible installment of Dino-poses related to his wonderful work of makin' funny with Mr. Jerry Lewis at Atlantic City's 500 Club.
Likes we gotta 'fess up that while all 8---count 'em---8 Dino-images are powerfully potent, today's Dino-offerin' has become our fav of Dino-favs.  We find this coolest of cool candid of our Dino to be
unequivocally evocative and profoundly powerfully potently provocative as well.

As all youse Dino-philes will view below, this image shows our totally tan man in boxer shorts with his ever present cigarette in hand bein' awesomely admired by his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis by his side 'long with 500 Club owner Mr. Paul "Skinny" D'Amato 'bove him and an unnamed pallie on the left.
Likes it is crystal clear that this particular pose shows how deeply deeply devoted  Mr. Lewis is to our most beloved Dino and how totally totally thrilled and how hugely hugely honored that owner D'Amato is to have Martin & Lewis headlinin' at his coolest of coolest club.

We are greatly grateful to the pallies at "THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY" and Miss Paulajane D'Amato for sharin' these powerfully potent poses with the larger Dino-world for all Dino-holics viewin' Dino-pleasure.  To see a mucho grander version of this Dino-pose, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Stay tuned tomorrow for our fourth intense installment of Dino-images from the 500 Club in Atlantic City.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

GALLERY: Look back at The 500 Club in the Atlantic City

A look back photo gallery of the 500 Club, which was located off Missouri Avenue, in Atlantic City, and was the venue for some of the most popular performers of the 1950's and 1960's including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Patti Page.

500 Club owner Paul "Skinny" D'Amato (top) with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, at the 500 Club, in Atlantic City.


  1. Nothing to do with this post. Just a heads up about a tribute album to Merle Haggard. Our Dino's version of " I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am" included on album. Very cool.

  2. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley, thanks much for this Dino-note. We are always grateful for any and all Dino-related news. Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. A nice little liner note for the above album. Deans pic is the biggest of the bunch in the booklet.


  4. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley thanks greatly for the link to the Dino-image and patter...very cool indeed. Keeps lovin' one mighty majestic marvelous DINO!
