Saturday, June 08, 2019

Nick Tosches, in his biography "Dino," described Martin as a smooth, uncaring, unknowable and master showman of a vapid following.

Hey pallies, likes welcome back to Day 8 of our marvelous month long coolest of cool celebration of the Day That Coolness Came To Earth.  Likes when we were doin' a wee bit of Dino-researchin' for the time of his awesome arrival on planet earth (11:55 p.m) on June 7, 1917 we were delightfully drawn to the 'net pad "ASTRO DATABANK" where this "timely" information was found....yeh, every pun intended!

Likes besides greatly appreciatin' locatin' the exact time of our Dino's birth, we found that there was an incredibly intriquin' Dino-bio shared there..  There are, of course, many of the usual facts and figures of our Dino's life, times, and teachin's, but they are sweetly shared with inestimable insights.
Take for example the way that the Astro pallies insightfully interpret Nick Tosches', our most beloved  Dino's beautiful biographer,  deep deep description of our great great man.....

 Nick Tosches, in his biography "Dino," described Martin as a smooth, uncaring, unknowable and master showman of a vapid following.

And how 'bout these Dino-reflections as well....

Once he told an interviewer that if he had one life to live, he'd live it as a golf pro.

He admitted for years to having a fear of elevators and once described himself as a "pathological shoplifter." When he spent some hundreds in a store, he would steal a necktie or a pair of sox, something that he could pocket. "I'm sure the owners knew it," he said, "but I'm such a good customer they didn't really care."

Truly fellow Dino-philes, this Dino-adulation is wisely written and hugely honorin' of our King of Cool.  We gotta 'fess up that we never ever tire of hearin' the Dino-story shared over and over 'gain 'cause there are never endin' ways of reverently reflectin' on what our Dino said and did as he walked the earth and brought such hip happiness to those he wonderfully welcomed into his world.

We thank the pallies at "ASTRO DATABANK" for this lovin' look into our legendary Dino.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Martin, Dean Gender: M

Birthname Dino Paul Crocetti

born on 7 June 1917 at 23:55 (= 11:55 PM )

Place Steubenville, Ohio, 40n22, 80w38

Timezone CST h6w (is standard time)


American actor and singer who teamed up with Jerry Lewis from 1950-1954 before going out on his own. He met Lewis while doing an engagement in Atlantic city in 1946 and they were together for 10 years and 16 films. They made up their own material with Martin attempting to sing while being interrupted by Lewis as a bumbling bus-boy. The legendary team was born that was to delight a nation, the handsome Italian crooner and the awkward, goofy kid. They moved on to nightclubs, TV's "Ed Sullivan Show," and in 1948, to Hollywood.

Prior to teaming up with Lewis, Martin sang in local clubs and served as a day laborer in steel mills, even trying a stint at becoming a somewhat puny prizefighter at 14. He claimed his own corner of TV fame with "The Dean Martin Show" 1965-1974, as well as becoming a veteran of over 40 films. His manner was totally nonchalant, and his comedy often involved a "happy drunk" stage persona. Eventually, his boozing comedy act ceased to be an act.

Nick Tosches, in his biography "Dino," described Martin as a smooth, uncaring, unknowable and master showman of a vapid following. According to his second wife, Jeanne, Martin was not the party animal that he was portrayed to be. Claiming that he hated Sinatra's practical jokes, she remembers a quiet loner who enjoyed sitting home watching westerns and strolling around the boulders while he was on location. He even hated attending the parties that she threw at their home. Once he told an interviewer that if he had one life to live, he'd live it as a golf pro. He admitted for years to having a fear of elevators and once described himself as a "pathological shoplifter." When he spent some hundreds in a store, he would steal a necktie or a pair of sox, something that he could pocket. "I'm sure the owners knew it," he said, "but I'm such a good customer they didn't really care."

Married and divorced three times, he had seven kids, four with his first wife, Elizabeth MacDonald (1940-49). Married with a growing family, he was drafted in WW II but mustered out after 14 months because of a hernia.

He saw his second wife, Jeanne Biegger, in 1949 while she sat atop a float in a Miami parade. They went on to have three children after their marriage, one of whom, Dean, Jr., was killed in a plane crash on 3/21/1987. She divorced him in 1972, tired of his womanizing. At age 53, Martin married 23 year-old beautician Cathy Hawn (1973-76).

Martin had repeated bouts with ulcers, which belied his relaxed style. He kept himself in relatively good condition with daily golf and exercise plus a reasonable diet. His health began to break down in the 1990s and he stopped working in 1992. Martin died of acute respiratory failure with the complications of emphysema on 12/25/1995, 3:30 AM, Beverly Hills, CA.


associate relationship with Tate, Sharon (born 24 January 1943). Notes: co-stars in "The Wrecking Crew"

business associate/partner relationship with Lewis, Jerry (1926) (born 16 March 1926)

friend relationship with Lawford, Peter (born 7 September 1923)

friend relationship with Monroe, Marilyn (born 1 June 1926)

parent->child relationship with Martin, Deana (born 19 August 1948)

parent->child relationship with Martin, Dino (born 17 November 1951)


Relationship : Meet a significant person 1946 (Met Jerry Lewis)

Relationship : Meet a significant person 1949 (Saw second wife Jeanne on float)

Work : Begin Major Project 1965 (Nine years, "The Dean Martin Show")

Relationship : Divorce dates 1972 (From Jeanne)

Death of Child 21 March 1987 (Son killed in plane crash)

Death by Disease 25 December 1995 at 03:30 AM in Beverly Hills, CA (Acute respiratory failure, age 78)


  1. Lotsa cool cool facts & figs! Love the part 'bout bein' a shoplifter! Haha!! Great post!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, yeh, we also deeply delighted in our Dino's words 'bout shoppin' in stores. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' the ubber unique Dino-story!
