Sunday, June 16, 2019

Danny G's SPECIAL Father's Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Gentle On My Mind"

Welcome back, Ol' friends o' mine!

So So happy youse dropped by!

 First of all I wanna wish  "Happy Daddy-O Day" to ALL the swingin' Dino-lovin' dad's out there!
What a COOL COOL thin' it is, pals... to be able to celebrate all the COOL COOL fathers & father figures in our lives...right in the midst of "The Month That Coolness Came to Earth"!!

 Truly a special time of year, my friends.

A BEA U TI FUL Spring day is perfecto to honor Dino & ALL these GREAT fellas, who mean/meant SO SO much!

Now youse may know by now...I pick a Special Serenade every year for today's tune.

A jam that brings me back to my youngest days of Dino-dom.

A familiar song that reminds me of my Dad & keeps him in my thoughts everyday.

Well, as I always do...I reach for a specific kind of Dino al b um.
A real blue-collar sound. Pop was BIG into those Dino "trucker" jams!

The "C.B. radio" type tunes.

A jam 'bout some down & out dude...tryin' to make his way back home or maybe some carefree fella just enjoyin' the simple life.

Yea...those were his faves.

 Still cracks me up thinkin' 'bout him singin' along to these songs!
He thought they were SO SO cool & I thought HE was SO SO cool for knowin' the words!

What a GREAT guy Dad was!
Me & my Pop watchin’ Martin & Lewis flicks on a Saturday mornin’.
That’s what Fathers Day reminds me of, mi amici

 Great Great memories, pallies.

Today's SPECIAL SERENADE takes me ALL the way back to the mid-70's!
Where'd that decade go?!

OK pals...let's get the music flowin'!

 No one COOLER than our Dino to keep that "easy livin" feelin'...cruisin' down the ol' white line of life, pallies!
That's my attempt at trucker talk!
Haha!!'s to ALL the father figures.
 Includin' our very own "Father figure" of this here humble little blog...Dino Martin Peters.
Your daily efforts to keep the Dino-message alive & thrivin'...are TRULY appreciated, pal!
Thank you & I salute youse!

So mi amici...let's keep that special guy in mind today.

No matter who he was...or how he was part of your life...this one's for him.

 Thanks for everythin', Dad & thanks, Dino... for keepin' his memory alive!

Your both FOREVER "Gentle On My Mind".

Ciao & enjoy!


  1. Fathers day has come and I wanted to wish all of the dads out there a very happy day. And what better way to celebrate them by a wonderful upbeat song and video from Dean Martin! A perfect selection on this happy of happy days Danny G.! Thank you for making it a very special day.

    Have a wonderful week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for the kind words dude, but truly all the glory goes to our daddy-o of daddy-os....our most most most beloved Dino...ilovedinomartin only reason for bein'! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic daddy-o...DINO!

  3. One of my FAVE Dino-jams, pallies! Hope it made you as happy as it made me! Ciao!
