Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Working with Dean Martin was a lot of fun.

Hey pallies, likes we find it always so so remarkably refreshin' and richly rewardin' to share with all youse Dino-holics 'nother of our most beloved Dino's contemporaries once 'gain sharin' their deep deep delight in the blessed bliss of havin' the opportunity to work 'long side him.  Likes recently our pallies at google Dino-'lerts sent us over the online presence of "THRIVE GLOBAL," whose "mission and passion" is to "create something real and tangible that would help individuals, companies and communities improve their well-being and performance and unlock their greatest potential."

Likes the powerful post that a google Dino-lert sent us to is an incredible interview that Mr. Yitzi Weiner, (pictured on the right)  "a journalist, author, and the founder Authority Magazine" conducted with awesome actress Miss Tina Louise.  The perfect prose is tagged "Hollywood Icon Tina Louise, ‘Ginger’ from Gilligan’s Island, on why it’s so important to involve yourself with volunteer work, to keep peace of mind and your head on straight."  In answerin' one of Mr. Weiner's quires Miss Louise sweetly spoke of her amazin' appreciato in havin' opportunities to work professionally with our main man.
That portion of the interview is shared below.

It always wonderfully warms our Dino-hearts to hear just how much fantastic fun other entertainers had bein' the the powerful presence of our Dino and we are totally touched each and every time to be able to share these potent pieces of Dino-adulation whenever they come 'cross our path.  We thanks Mr. Yitzi Weiner and all the pallies at "THRIVE GLOBAL" for sharin' this Q 'n A with Miss Tina Louise as well as thankin' Miss Louise for sharin' her delightful Dino-remembrances with the world.
To checks this out in it's original source and be able to read this powerful prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

And, pallies, likes searchin' the annals of youtube we were able to find just one clip from "The Wrecking Crew" where our one and only Dino is introduced to Miss Louise on film as Miss Lola Medina.  We shares that vibrant vid with youse below and know that we will continue to search for other vid clips that show the coolest of cool chemistry between our Dino and Miss Louise.

Likes pallies, how sweetly stellar it is that this prose 'bout Miss Tina Louise's deep deep Dino-light in workin' with our most beloved Dino popped up on the ol' world wide web just a few before the 'net has lit up with the neatest of news of the big screen epic "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" that as we shared on Thursday last  Dino-week has the coolest of cool connect with "The Wrecking Crew" as well....see ilovedinomartin post  HERE.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for dean martin tina louise

Tina: No, I don’t. I mean, I’ve worked with some funny guys, you know, but, I can’t think of anything like that. Working with Dean Martin was a lot of fun. I was in a movie with him and Sharon Tate called The Wrecking Crew . It was her last movie. Dean Martin and I did a special. I was the only girl on a special that he did and then I was in that film with him. He’s a really sweet guy.


  1. That's our pal! One sweet...RANDY, fella! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallies, likes Danny-o...youse speaketh the Dino-truth as always. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our "One sweet...RANDY, fella!......our most most most beloved DINO!
