Friday, May 10, 2019

Straight from "The King of Cool".

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we are perfectly positively psyched to swankly serve up  today's deeply delightful Dino-devotion for all youse Dino-philes deepest deepest Dino-delight.
Today we are powerfully pleased to be visitin' at the  beautiful blog "WOMEN.COM" where a
young lady scriber tagged Miss Sophie Matthews (pictured on the right) has coolly created the extremely educational Dino-philosophical postin' "22 Dean Martin Quotes That Are A Kick in the Head."

Likes in doin' a wee bit of researchin' we discovered that "WOMEN.COM" is "a lifestyle destination & advice community that delivers inspiration and conversation around enjoying everyday and feeling great about yourself!"  So it makes perfect sense that our master teacher Dino woulda be awesomely accented in the pages of this wise women's pad 'cause who better then our most beloved Dino to  energetically enlighten their remarkable readership in  livin' life to the fullest, inspirin' 'em to eagerly enjoy everyday to the fullest, and makin' 'em welcomed into his wonderful world helpin' 'em feel fabulous 'bout themselves!

We are totally totally thrilled to see someone of Miss Matthew's youth sharin' this deep deep Dino-wisdom with women from all over the world...hugely helpin' many more of the gentler sex to greatly grow in knowin' 'n lovin' our King of Cool and applyin' his wonderfully wise wisdom to their lives.
We thanks the pallies at "WOMEN.COM" and in particular Miss Sophie Matthews for leadin' many more into the Dino-light!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

22 Dean Martin Quotes That Are A Kick in the Head
The Dean Martin Show, dean martin, tv, 70s talk show host

The Dean Martin Show, dean martin, tv, 70s talk show host

Straight from "The King of Cool".

Sophie Matthews
 May 08, 2019

You'll Be Saying, "That's Amore!" When Reading 22 Dean Martin Quotes

Close your eyes. Pretend you're sitting poolside in Palm Springs. Your dirty martini waits for you on the midcentury modern bar. There's a faint sound in the distance.

You're probably listening to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin on repeat. If you love anything and everything about the rat pack then you're going to love some iconic Dean Martin quotes. He had some hilarious one-liners about marriage, divorce, babies, and well, drinking.

Maybe you're not anywhere near Palm Springs but you still can enjoy some of the best Dean Martin quotes in the comfort of your home. Swap out a martini for a glass of wine and mambo Italiano all night long. Enjoy some quotes from the talented and iconic, Dean Martin.
Image result for dean martin golfing smoking

Dean Martin Quotes

"In a tuxedo, I'm a star. In regular clothes, I'm a nobody."

"If this is just the beginning, my life's gonna be beautiful."

"I don't mind being a legend."

"When your opponent's sittin' there holdin' all the aces, there's only one thing to do: kick over the table."

"I want to be remembered as a damn good entertainer, nothing spectacular. A good entertainer who made people enjoy themselves and made them laugh a little. I want them to think 'He was a nice guy. He did pretty good and we loved him."

"Somewhere there's a someone for me. Though I may be lonely now, I'll see it through somehow, to somebody's heart I know I hold the key."
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Dean Martin Quotes About Drinking

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."

"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt."

"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on."

"When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine, that's amore."

"If people want to think I get drunk and stay out all night, let 'em. That's how I got here, you know."

"The whole world is drunk and we're just the cocktail of the moment. Someday soon, the world will wake up, down two aspirin with a glass of tomato juice, and wonder what the hell all the fuss was about."

"I was so drunk last night I fell down and missed the floor."

"I don't drink anymore... I freeze it and eat it like a popsicle."

"The reason I drink is because when I'm sober I think I'm Eddie Fisher."

"I drink because my body craves, needs alcohol. I don't drink, my body's a drunk."

Famous Dean Martin Quotes

"Love is a flower that blooms so tender, each kiss a dew drop of sweet surrender. Love is a moment of life enchanting, let's take that moment that tonight is granting."

"I've got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are 'hello,' 'goodbye,' and 'I'm pregnant."

"To those who felt he joked his way through songs during concert and nightclub appearences: "You wanna hear it straight, buy the album."

"Upon filing for divorce from his second wife: "I know it's the gentlemanly thing to let the wife file. But, then, everybody knows I'm no gentleman."

"Motivation is a lotta crap."

"I can't stand an actor or actress who tells me acting is hard work. It's easy work. Anyone who says it isn't never had to stand on his feet all day dealing blackjack."

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Let's Keep the Conversation Going...
What's your favorite Dean Martin quote? We want to know!


  1. Words of wisdom, my friends.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, when our Dino-speaketh, we pay awesome attention and seek to grow deeper 'n deeper in Dino-understandin'...keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our master teacher DINO!
