Thursday, May 16, 2019

Marvelous Moments With Our Dino and Mr. Tim Conway

Hey pallies, likes some of the coolest of cool classic moments of comedic chaos that our most beloved Dino had on the Dino-show were in superb sketches that our Dino did with the great great comedian Mr. Tim Conway.  We have learned through the 'net that Mr. Conway passed away on Tuesday, May 14 in Los Angeles at the age of 85.

Likes when we heard this news we couldn't help but remember some of the marvelous moments that Tim shared with our Dino and today we have chosen to share a trio of vid clips sweetly showin' the fantastic fun these two forever funny guys had in playin' off of each other and lovin'ly layin' huge happiness on television audiences.

We express our sincere sympathies to Mr. Tim Conway's family, friends, and fans and hope these memorable moments of our Dino and Tim will brings special smiles to all our faces.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin & Tim Conway - The Oldest Man (Diner)

Dean Martin, Ted Knight & Tim Conway - The Bar

Dean Martin & Tim Conway - King of Parma


  1. Hahaha!!! Great vids, pal! Such a shame that these two legends are no longer down here, makin' us laugh. Tim was one of my childhood faves & will surely be membered' as one of the all time greats! Watchin' these vids takes me waaaaayyyy back to "the good ol' days"...when life was easy & breazy! Thanks for the laughs, Tim! Say "Hey pallie" to Dino for us!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o. so greatly glad youse digs these coolest of cool comedic moments with our Dino 'n Mr. Tim Conway...but, then, of course we knews youse would! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!
