Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dudes rule Memorial Day TV....our Dino in "The Young Lions"

Image result for the young lions

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we have planned a different Dino-gram for this very Dino-day here at ilovedinomartin, but likes when we opened our email account a few 'go we spied a google Dino-lert that has sent us in a different Dino-direction this start of the Memorial Day weekend.

The aforementioned Dino-lert sent us to the online presence of  the "NEW YORK POST" where their TV editor, Mr. Robert Rorke (pictured on the left), has rescently scribed   the remarkable reflection, "Dudes rule Memorial Day TV," a swank sharin' of some fantastic flick offerin's on the small screen on this comin' Monday, Memorial Day here in the ol' US of A.

Likes toppin' the list is that supremely superior war epic, "The Young Lions" that introduced movie theater audiences to the tremendous talents of our most beloved Dino in playin' serious on the silver screen.  Those in the Dino-know know that it was our Dino's role as Michael Whiteacre playin' opposite  actin' giants Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift that lovin' launched our main man into a stellar series  of dramatic roles.

As all youse Dino-philes will note below, "The Young Lions" airs on Turner Classic Movies at 11 a.m. this Monday morning.  We thanks Mr. Robert Rorke for puttin' us on to this Dino-schedule, and may we say that we deeply digs his truthful thought that "Dudes rule Memorial Day TV," as our one, our only Dino is trulyour dude of dudes, our King of Cool, who rules over all he has welcomed into his wonderful world.  Thanks also to the pallies at the "NEW YORK POST" for disseminatin' this neat news to Dino-holics every-Dino-where.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dudes rule Memorial Day TV

By Robert Rorke May 24, 2019

Memorial Day is almost always an occasion for the networks to trot out those World War II chestnuts. Programmers got a little frisky this year, digging deep into film history for some unusual movies. For those who can’t get through this day without seeing Tom Hanks embody American values, there’s always “Saving Private Ryan.” Here are some notable shows and movies to watch during the holiday.

The Young Lions

11 a.m., TCM

Three men experience combat in WWII. One is a German who becomes disillusioned with Nazism, one is an American entertainer who ends up being drafted and the third is a sensitive Jewish-American who discovers anti-Semitism from his own comrades. Starring Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift and Dean Martin.


  1. A "Must Watch" EVERY Memorial Day weekend, pals! Thanks for the heads up, DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, no problemo always our perfect pleasure to share noteworty Dino-news. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
