Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Dean Martin, throughout his life, exploited that image of menefreghista.

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Hey pallies, likes all youse Dino-holics likes guessed by the tag of this Dino-gram that today's Dino-devotion was also found when we put the name of our most beloved Dino into the google search engine with that word that so darin'ly describes our Dino: menefreghista.   Likes this Dino-message has been waitin' a long long Dino-time for us to uncover and share with all youse pallies and we are greatly glad to do so this very Dino-day.  In fact pallies, we waited so long that we just discovered the blog no longer exist, so we are perfectly pumped that we make a draft of it before it's exit.

Today we visit with a Spanish blogger tagged Ricard, citizen of Barcelona, Spain, and whose blog has the groovy tag, "With double cheese" (Con doble de queso in Spanish).  Ricard's post, "El menefreghista," is a lucid look at the meanin's of the Italiano word menefreghista, and, no suprise to Dino-philes likes us, the example that Ricard potently points to is, of course, our one and only Dino.
Likes as youse will read below, Ricard sez, "A martini in hand, a cigarette in the other, the room full of girls dancing swing and wearing their newly released miniskirts. The Menefreghista leaning against a table, his eyes lost beyond the smoke, only paying attention to what really interests him. Dean Martin, throughout his life, exploited that image of menefreghista."

Likes this is the first time we have ever come 'cross a post of this Dino-descriptive term, and we thinks it is very very cool to find our King of Cool suavely saluted in this way.  We sez our thanks to Ricard for makin' our Dino known in this way.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

El menefreghista

A menefreghista is like-occasionally-the Italians call those people who believe they are really unique, unique in their kind. Those who live in their own world and only attend when something interests them or can take advantage. A concept that in our native language would become an egocentric (maybe a selfish) classy.

Menefreghismo: attitude of those who do not care about others or any other issue that does not touch him closely. You can be menefreghistas always, or suddenly put menefreghista in reaction to something in particular. Etymologically it comes from (non) me ne frega (niente), that is, "I do not care at all".

A martini in hand, a cigarette in the other, the room full of girls dancing swing and wearing their newly released miniskirts. The Menefreghist leaning against a table, his eyes lost beyond the smoke, only paying attention to what really interests him. Dean Martin, throughout his life, exploited that image of menefreghista. Being a menefreghista seems fun but I'm afraid I'm too old-not old-to change. Why do we like the ways of being so far away from what we are? Precisely because of that, because with Menefreghist attitudes people win where we fail.

I have not written this post with any encouragement, it just happens that the word menefreghista I love ... also the words "croquette" and "Rosicrucian" but they did not give much ...

Un menefreghista es como -ocasionalmente- denominan los italianos a aquellas personas que se creeen realmente  singulares, únicos en su especie. Aquellos que viven en su propio mundo y solo atienden cuando algo les interesa o bien pueden sacar provecho. Un concepto que en nuestro idioma patrio vendría a ser  un egocentrico (puede que un egoísta) con clase.

Menefreghismo: actitud de quien no le importa nada de los demás ni de ningún otro tema que no le toque de cerca. Se puede ser menefreghistas siempre, o bien ponerse de pronto menefreghista en reacción con alguna cosa en particular. Etimológicamente viene de (non) me ne frega (niente), o sea, "no me importa para nada".

Un martini en la mano, un cigarrillo en la otra, el salón repleto de muchachas bailando swing y luciendo sus recien estrenadas minifaldas. El menefreghista apoyado en una mesa, con los ojos perdidos mas allá del humo, solo prestando atención a aquello que le interesa realmente. Dean Martin, a lo largo de toda su vida, explotó esa imagen de menefreghista. Ser un menefreghista parece divertido pero me temo que soy demasiado mayor -que no viejo- para cambiar. ¿Por que nos gustan las maneras de ser tan alejadas a  lo que somos? Precisamente por eso, porque con actitudes menefreghista las personas vencen donde nosotros fracasamos.

No he escrito este post con ningún ánimo, simplemente sucede que la palabra menefreghista me encanta... también las palabras "croqueta" y "rosacruz" pero no daban para mucho...


  1. No better definition of menefreghista than Dino! What a cool cool word to describe our cool cool pal. Kinda sums up the way I wish I could be myself! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed our most beloved Dino is the ubber ultimate epitome of menefreghista! Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!
