Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dean Martin Deluxe

Image result for dean martin deluxe

Hey pallies, likes the last couple of Dino-days  here at ilovedinomartin we have been sharin' deeply delightful Dino-devotion from Deanager Gio Orlando.  Likes we were totally totally thrilled to find yet 'nother of today's youth findin' their way to our Dino and mightily moved by the awesome amount of keen knowledge that Gio exhibited in the research that he had done on the two Pickwick al-b-ums he reviewed on his youtube  vid.

One of dem Dino-discs, "Dean Martin Deluxe" is a particular fav of ours 'cause we deeply digs  the Dino-art.  Likes back in the year of our Dino 2015 we created a Dino-gram featurin' 5---count 'em---5 Dinio-croons from this amazin' album and youse can checks out that original post HERE.

In that Dino-gram we sez, "What has always make the al-b-um "Dean Martin Deluxe" likes so so special to us is the fabulous Dino-art that graces the cover.  It's a couple of swank sketches of our most beloved Dino with some rainbow hues thrown in for good measure.  We likes 'specially finds the image of our Dino holdin' his ever present cigarette likes totally totally incredibly irresistible!"

"Well, likes when we saw that Mr. "johnnybegood 3" had shared a quintet of cool cool croons from our King of Cool from this awesome al-b-um, we knew that we simply had to create a Dino-honorin' post with those neatest of neat numbers from the voice of our King of Cool.  The five-pack includes "Just In Time" (from our Dino's only big screen musicale "Bells Are Ringing," "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone," "Someday," "True Love," and "I Can't Believe You Are In Love With Me."  It's a true Dino-feast of Dino-musicality!"

Today we, bein' so immensely inspired by Deanager Gio Orlando's eager efforts on behalf of our Dino, share the quintet of Dino-cuts with all youse Dino-holics once 'gain.  These Dino-gems include "Just In Time," "I Can't Believe That You Are In Love With Me," "True Love," "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone," and "Someday."

Once 'gain we sez our thanks to youtuber "johnnybegood 3" for makin' these youtube vids for Dino-philes every-Dino-where's Dino-listenin'-pleasure!

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin - Deluxe - Just in Time /Pickwick 1974

johnnybegood 3
Published on Sep 7, 2015
Dean Martin ‎– Deluxe
Pickwick ‎– SPC-3283

Dean Martin - Deluxe I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me -/Pickwick 1974 k

johnnybegood 3
Published on Sep 7, 2015
Dean Martin ‎– Deluxe
Pickwick ‎– SPC-3283

Dean Martin - Deluxe - True Love /Pickwick 1974

johnnybegood 3
Published on Sep 7, 2015
Dean Martin ‎– Deluxe
Pickwick ‎– SPC-3283

Dean Martin - Deluxe - Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone /Pickwick 1974

johnnybegood 3
Published on Sep 7, 2015
Dean Martin ‎– Deluxe
Pickwick ‎– SPC-3283

Dean Martin - Deluxe - Someday /Pickwick 1974

johnnybegood 3
Published on Sep 7, 2015
Dean Martin ‎– Deluxe
Pickwick ‎– SPC-3283


  1. 5 Cool Cool Dino-jams from 1 Cool Cool Dino-album!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, there are so great Dino-gems 'mong this swank selection of Dino-croons...then, likes of course, all Dino-croons are truly truly Dino-gems! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
