Saturday, April 06, 2019

Martin was a complex figure, at once intimate and detached, gregarious and solitary, comical and sad, and he ended up a recluse.

Hey pallies, likes we never ever tire of sharin' other pallies' reverent reflections on our most beloved Dino and likes once 'gain today  we have more primo prose from the US blog edition of "The Guardian."  Superbly scribed more than a decade 'go (amazin' how long it can take for deep Dino-adulation to float to the top via the Google search engine) in May of 2008.  Wonderfully, wisely written by Mr. Philip French,  French, accordin' to Wiki "was an English film critic and former radio producer. French began his career in journalism in the late 1950s, before eventually becoming a BBC Radio producer, and later a film critic. He began writing for The Observer in 1963, and continued to write criticism regularly there until his retirement in 2013."

Likes today's Dino-devotion was part of an on-goin' series for "The Guardian" tagged "Philip French's screen legends" and excellent exposé on our Dino is top shelf as one oughta expect from someone of Mr. French's swank stature.  We learned (likes we can't ever remember readin' this before that "In 1957, MCA told Twentieth Century-Fox that unless Martin replaced Tony Randall as the playboy who becomes a model soldier in The Young Lions, it would withdraw Montgomery Clift and Marlon Brando."  Powerful praise be to the pallie or pallies at MCA who did this wonderful Dino-deed 'cause it hugely helped our Dino easily establish himself as an actor with awesome acumen.

We also deeply digs that Philip shares his personal fav quartet of Dino-flicks reverently remarkin' that our Dino was "superb" in "Some Came Running," "Rio Bravo," "Bells Are Ringing," and "Kiss Me Stupid."  Makes our Dino-hearts jump with pure Dino-delight that French included KMS 'mong our Dino's greatest big screen epics!  Likes to round out his stunnin' salute to our King of Cool, French offers awesome adulation Dino-style from Mr. Kevin Spacey and Mr. Billy Wilder, as well as a quintessential quotation by our Dino himself!

Mr. Philip French himself  departed this life on October 15, 2015 but his lovin' legacy of powerful praisin' prose of our Dino will continue to eagerly excite Dino-holics everywhere.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for dean martin kiss me stupid

Philip French's screen legends


  1. Mr. French seems to have had great respect for Dino. Then 'gain...who shouldn't? Likes he says..."Martin was a complex figure". We know that's true. We also know that Dean was unique in his ability to seemingly be able to do it all...without breakin' a sweat! Now THATS a legend!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes of course we completely concur with your Dino-thought, "Then 'gain...who shouldn't?" Anyone who has ever partook of our Dino, his life, his times, and his teachin'....and is wise, will freely give their reverent respect to our most beloved DINO...always, ever, and only! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our darin', darlin', dynamic DINO!
