Monday, April 29, 2019

Dean Martin was an idol of his generation, being perceived as a kind of " quintessence of the cool idea ."

Hey pallies, likes as we continue to ride the coolest of cool crest of wild 'n wonderful waves produced by the great google search engine as we continue to place there the name of our beloved Dino and the Dino-descriptive menefreghista, we find ourselves today visitin' with Mr. Rudy Roth (pictured on the left) at his self-tagged 'net space "RUDY ROTH." Likes Mr. Roth's bio tells us that he is Romanian by birth bein'  born in 1979 in Bucharest." Since 2012 has been called "to savor my destiny and emotions in the golden-colored light in Palma de Mallorca, Spain."

Rudy is truly truly a remarkable renaissance kinda guy.  Likes if you clicks  HERE youse will discover that he has studied computer science, international economic relations, economics, journalism and, pallies, the list of cool credentials goes on and on!  Likes we find it remarkably refreshin' to find someone of Rudy's youth and stature usin' his blog to share our Dino with his readership.

Likes as youse will read and view below, the accent of Mr. Roth's February 9, 2007 post is on one of our Dino's classic croons, "Return To Me."  Rudy's wisely written words includes such intriguin' insights as proclaimin' our Dino as "an actor and musician who lived his life at what we could call the narrow edge between Baha's euphoria and physical resistance ."  We knows we are goin' have to reflect deeply deeply on those words to deeply drink in all the incredible implications they have for the way that our Dino lived his life.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Rudy Roth for this Dino-prose...really Dino-poetry and has and will continue to help many of his fellow Romanians to draw closer and closer to our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for Dean Martin - Return To Me      Bob N Such youtube

Sad Music [32] – Dean Martin – Return to me

February 9, 2007 by Rudy Roth

Dean Martin - Return to me

Return to me is not the biggest and perhaps the sadest hit he offered to the world, Dean Martin , an actor and musician who lived his life at what we could call the narrow edge between Baha's euphoria and physical resistance . Enjoying tremendous success both in movies, on television and on stage, Dean Martin was an idol of his generation, being perceived as a kind of " quintessence of the cool idea ."

Member of the legendary band Rat Pack , had an alcohol-dominated life, roads and reflectors, detachment and serenity. Along with Frank Sinatra , Sammy Davis Jr . and some others chosen to breathe the rare air of success , Martin , remained one of the most distant stars on Hollywood's stature, as did his biographer, Nick Tosches , or how they would emphasize friends, exactly what the Italians call menefreghista - "the man who just falsely ..."

Return to me is a tandre song, almost durable through the discretion of the melodic line, almost passionate through that " kai me amo " placed among the lyrics. It seems, now, in the 21st century, a call from other times, at a time when love was not just a strand of books, and in which eagerness is laid, though late, at the feet of love.

Muzica trista[32] – Dean Martin – Return to me

februarie 9, 2007 by Rudy Roth

Dean Martin – Return to me

Return to me, nu este nici cel mai mare si, poate, nici cel mai trist hit pe care l-a oferit lumii Dean Martin, un actor si muzician care si-a trait viata la ceea ce am putea numi muchia ingustadintre euforia bahica si rezistenta fizica. Bucurandu-se de un enorm succes atat in filme, la televiziune si pe scena, Dean Martin a fost un idol al generatiei sale, fiind perceput ca un soi de „chintesenta a ideii de cool„.

Membru al legendarei formatii Rat Pack, a avut o viata dominata de alcool, drumuri si reflectoare, detasare si serenitate. Alaturi de Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. si alti cativa alesi sa respire aerul rarefiat al succesului, Martin, a ramas una dintre cele mai distante stele de pe firmamentul Hollywood-ului, cum avea sa scrie biograful sau Nick Tosches, sau cum aveau sa sublinieze prietenii, exact ceea ce Italienii numesc menefreghista – „acel om caruia pur si simplu i se falfaie…”

Return to me este o piesa tandra, aproape dura prin discretia liniei melodice, aproape pasionala prin acel „cara mia te amo” plasat printre versuri. Pare, acum in secolul XXI, o chemare, din alte timpuri, dintr-o vreme in care dragostea nu era doar o stare smulsa din capitolele unor carti si in care orgoliul este pus, desi tardiv, la picioarele iubirii.


  1. A wee bit tricky followin' the translation...but a fun read nonetheless! Thanks, Rudy for postin' & Thanks, DMP for sharin'!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, very true dude....and we deeply deeply delights in sharin' many many of today's youth diggin' on our Dino and from all 'round the Dino-universe! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
