Saturday, March 30, 2019

Dean Martin made that torture go so much faster.

DEAN MARTIN - It's A Marshmallow World

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Hey pallies, likes we are always absolutely abundantly awed by the vibrant variety of remarkable remembrances of deep delight in our Dino shared by a beautiful bevy of sweet scribers  who reflect on their childhood memories of our most beloved Dino bein' beloved by members of their family.   Likes today we are proudly pleased to share 'nother touchin' tale of Dino-devotion by Miss Barbara Briggs Ward,  a professional author of  "a trilogy of heartwarming Christmas stories," includin' the one that tags her blog, "The Reindeer Keeper."

In her perfect post, "A Favorite Old Record Album," Miss Briggs Ward sweetly speaks of her mother's deep delight in our Dino's wintery coolest of cool croon, "A Marshmallow World," and how her mother "played that song not only in December but all through the winter months"  Likes as youse will also read below, Barbara that as she helped her mother clean the house on Saturday mornin' that as Briggs Ward proclaims and we have titled this Dino-gram: " Dean Martin made that torture go so much faster."

We never ever tire of sharin' such remarkable remembrances and thanks Miss Barbara Briggs Ward to
sharin' her mother's deepest Dino-delight with her readership.  Thanks for the marvelous memory ma'am!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  And, of course, we simply must take the opportunity to share the youtube clip our our most fav of fav version of our Dino croonin' "A Marshmallow World" from a Bob Hope Christmas Special.

btw pallies, we ain't hopin' to stir up any snowflakes in the sky, but likes Miss Briggs Ward's mother,
whatever the Dinos-season we never ever tire of hearin' and watchin' our awesomely amazin' Dino croon 'bout marshmallows!

We Remain

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

A Favorite Old Record Album

As the snow keeps falling in this month of March I am reminded of my mother and a 33rpm vinyl record album she played over and over again on a record player which was part of a fancy console complete with a radio featuring both AM & FM channels as well as a space to store albums.

She bought the massive console as a gift for the family or so she said when it was delivered days before Christmas one year when I was in Junior High School. Thinking back, I believe the main purpose of that console was for my mother to play a particular song from one of her favorite Dean Martin Christmas albums. The song was titled-“A Marshmallow World.” She played that song not only in December but all through the winter months. Each of us in that household knew every word, every pause in that song. We’d automatically sing along without even realizing it. My mother was a fanatic Saturday morning clean-the-house-thoroughly kind of person which meant I had to pitch in. Dean Martin made that torture go so much faster.


  1. Haha!! Barbara reminded me of growin' up in my house. Same record player. Totally 70's. Same Dino tunes. Great memories, pals. And Dino DEFINATELY made & makes everythin' better. Thanks for sharin'!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, how wonderful to have such totally thrillin' deeply delightful Dino-memories, sure to have faithfully fashioned you into the Dino-phile you are today!
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
