Sunday, January 20, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm"

Hey pals...let me ask youse a question.

What do you see when you look out your windows?
 Whippin' winds?!
 All of the above?!
 Haha!!'s on it's way here next.
Or so I've heard...repeatedly...for the last 4 days.

 As youse is readin' this here Serenade...just knows that your ol' pallie, Danny mostest likely, outside, takin' on...Ol' Man Winter!

One on one combat, mi amici!

I'm talkin' mano a mano, brawlin'!

Well...that's what they is sayin', anyways.

 But fear not, my friends!
 I can handle it!

 Mama G. tells me that I was born durin' a snowstorm...& I've been risin' to the occasion to take on anythin' these New England winters throw my way, ever since!

That is, of course, with the help of my headphones...wintery Dino-jams...scarf...gloves...did I say wintery Dino-jams?
 Hat & boots.

Yup...that's my battle gear!

That's ALL I need, pals.

 Dino-love is pure pure magic & pure pure FIREY heat!

 Now I DEFINATELY has MUCHO love for our pallie amongst pals, Dino.

 So I says BRING IT!
 I'm ready!

 OK, guys & dolls...gettin' my jams ready.

 Some "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm" will set the snow-blowin' stage.

 Stay warm, mi amici!

Only 59 days 'til Spring!
We got this!



  1. Going to need lotsa love to keep this pallie warm this time of year!

  2. You & me both, pal! -4 in New England today!!! Brrrrrrrr Haha!!


  3. This is one great sounding Dean Martin song to keep you warm in January because you are going to need it, esp up in New England! But have no worries, things change quickly and of course old man winter can't hang on forever! A wonderful choice as always Danny G.!

    Have a great week.

