Wednesday, October 24, 2018

"We will keep Dino and the old music alive." --- Daire O'Hagan

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Hey pallies, likes we are perfectly pleased as punch to one more time lift up the awesome amazin' delightfully deep devotion that our North  Ireland  pallie, Deanager Daire O'Hagan,  has for our most beloved Dino.  Likes in response to our solemn salute to Mr. O'Hagan for the coolest of cool courage to follow in the footsteps of our Dino with a epic show bein' staged by Daire and some pallies on November 3 at Belfast's Metropolitan Arts Centre (see ilovedinomartin Dino-gram posted on Monday HERE), Daire gratefully responded " Wow Dino Martin Peters thank you so much. I really appreciate that ! We will keep Dino and the old music alive."

Likes in addition to Daire's potent patter back at us for our support, while searchin' the ol' 'net for other details on Daire's amazin' adulation of our Dino, we happened 'pon his personal Instagram account where Daire has featured this powerful teachin' of our Dino front and center on his page...

“When your opponent’s sittin there holdin all the aces, there’s only one thing to do: kick over the table”  DeanMartin

How cool is that Dino-holics?!?!?!?!  We are totally totally thrilled to find Deanager Daire passin' on such Dino-wisdom to all the pallies at travel to his personal pad at Instagram.  To checks this out, simply clicks HERE.

And, likes the Dino-pose at the top of this Dino-post  is that found at the top of Deanager Daire's personal facebook page located HERE.  To check out Daire's facebook music pad, where you will find a ton of great Dino-croons, simply clicks HERE.

Why youse might inquire have we here at ilovedinomartin taken up the Dino-mission to spread news as far and wide as we can 'bout Deanager Daire's quest to make it big in the entertainment world when previously we have made it our policy to not focus on Dino-emulators?   Perhaps the answer is 'cause of Daire's youth, and  that we positively perceive the deepest of deep depth O'Hagan has for our marvelous mighty majestic DINO!  And, we would wager a great deal of our support for Daire is rooted in his humble beginnin's when he posted on his personal pad at facebook his first Dino-croon singin' "My Pony, My Rifle, and Me" in honor of the centennial celebration of our Dino's birth.

There is somethin' supremely special 'bout Deanager Daire's deep Dino-devotion and his immensely incredible tremendous talents as a crooner...that coolest of cool combination compels us here at ilovedinomartin to give him all the Dino-support that we can.  So pallies, stay tuned to our humble little Dino-pad for more updates on Mr. Daire O'Hagan and his quest to follow in the footsteps of our most most most beloved Dino.

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