Friday, October 12, 2018

The Rat Pack at Seattle (March 16, 1988).

Rat Pack - Seattle 1988
Hey pallies, likes we just can't seem to get our Dino's incredibly involvement (even 'though he left the tour early on) with his pallies of pallies, Mr. Sinatra and Mr. Davis, Jr. in the 1988 "Together Again" Concert Tour.  So, likes when we discovered that Dino-phile youtuber "Deano Martin" had put up the ENTIRE CONCERT from Seattle at youtube, we simply had to offer all youse Dino-holics the op to view it in all it greatest of great glory.

Likes yester-Dino-day we gratefully shared the Dino-portion of this hugely historic moment in Dino-history, but today, below is this coolest of cool concert in all it's glory meanin' that we have those marvelous moments when our most beloved Dino shared the spotlight with pallie Frank and Sammy.
Oh, how we will we coulda return to the days when Dino walked the earth and supremely spread complete coolness whenever he went!

This complete concert is over 100 magical minutes, so clear your schedules dudes so that you can sweetly soak in this swankest of swank sharin' by our immensely incredible Dino and his profoundly playful pallies Mr. Frank Sinatra and Mr. Sammy Davis, Jr.   We once 'gain thanks Dino-video-phile "Deano Martin" for sharin' their profound passion for all thin's Dino with Dino-holics every-Dino-where!

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Rat Pack - Seattle 1988

Published on May 23, 2018

The Rat Pack at Seattle (March 16, 1988).

Show 3 of the Together Again Tour.

Please don't mind the bad video and audio quality, just enjoy!


  1. Great stuff pallie! I’m half way through & lovin’ it! I miss Dino!!!

  2. Hey least we have SO SO much of his talents & teachins’ to access any time we wants or needs! Hey...I feel better! Cants help but miss his presence but he will ALWAYS live in us, mi amici.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we are always marvelously moved when youse speaks from the depths of your Dino-heart 'bout your ever growin', ever deepenin' Dino-devotion. Danny your touchin' 'n tender testimonial brings such happiness to our Dino-hearts. Keeps diggin' deeper 'n deeper in DINO!
