Thursday, October 18, 2018

Incredibly Intriguin' Images Of Our Dino and Miss Gail Renshaw

Dean Martin and Gail Renshaw - 29th Annual Bing Crosby National Pro-Amateur Golf Championship - Pebble Beach Golf Links - Pebble Beach CA - Jan. 22, 1970

Hey pallies, likes today we continue our  accentin' of the awesomely amorous relationship that our Dino deeply deeply  developed with Miss Gail Renshaw 'pon meetin' the evenin' of October 13, 1969 in our Dino's playground, 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.  Likes this Dino-day we are pleasantly proudly pleased to share a goodly number of cooler then cool candid images of our main man and his new amore swankly snapped  at the 29th Annual Bing Crosby National Pro-Amateur Golf Championship on January 22, 1970 at Pebble Beach Golf Links in Pebble Beach, California.

We deeply digs that Miss Renshaw made the swingin' scene at Pebble Beach, lovin'ly watchin' her lovin'  Dino play that game that he was perfectly passionate 'bout.  Likes what coulda be better then havin' the new found love of your life (Renshaw) watch you compete in playin' your long time love (golf).  Above is an image that always always brings such Dino-happiness to our hearts as we catch a groovy glimpse of our swingin' Dino and Miss Gail havin' such a special special time with each other.

A golf tournament is almost always a very public affair, so we are completely certain that those in attendance watched attentively as our Dino and Miss Gail made their deep delight in bein' together crystal clear.  We woulda bet that simply tons and tons of pixs were shot of our Dino and Miss Renshaw's time at Pebble Beach and we are most pleased to share a number of 'em with all youse Dino-holics by simply clickin' HERE to go the "gettyimage" web pad and see the awesomely assembled swingin' shots of our Dino and Miss Gail.  These particularly powerful poses all come from photographer Ron Galella's fantastic files.

Seein' our Dino so hugely  hugely happy with Miss Renshaw makes us so deeply deeply yearn that the lovin' relationship woulda worked out, as they truly truly seem marvelously made for each other....but, likes of course, we will never ever know.  We knows it's simply 'nother Dino-mystery.

btw, pallies....check out our Dino's awesome attire in the color photos....likes, not only did our Dino likes puttin' the accent on youth when it came to his newest amore, he also swankly sported the mod mod attire of the youth of his day as well....checks out those blue patterned pants he's wearin'!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. What a treasure trove of photographs DMP, Dean and Gail looks so good together here, very relaxed and happy looking. It is really nice to see a collection of captures from yesteryear.

    Very nice work as always DMP.


  2. Definitely made a great lookin’ couple. Looks like they were smitten with each other, as well. Maybe was just time for our favorite rollin’ stone to roll on! Haha!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we gotta sez that we are thrilled to gets more Dino-communicato from youse. We just glanced one 'gain at these incredible images of our Dino and Miss Gail and makes us yearn to have been there on the greens to see the awesome amore between our most beloved Dino and Miss USA, so wonderful to see our Dino so totally totally taken by this young beauty queen! Keeps lovin' and patterin' on our great great man!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we gotta 'fess up that we still are wonderin' if it was really Miss Gail who turned from our Dino, or as youse so groovily sez it, "Maybe was just time for our favorite rollin’ stone to roll on! Haha!!" Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!

  5. They were obviously happy together.

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, there is no happiness likes Dino-happiness, and when we see our Dino so so hugely happy, it certainly brings tons of happiness to those welcomed into his world. Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!
