Monday, October 01, 2018

Dean Martin Variety Show Extravaganza! - Cereal At Midnight

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Hey pallies, likes so so often while we are proudly purusin' youtube for  the awesome abundance of Dino-adulation to be viewed there, we happen 'pon a vid that is ubber unique in it's coolly creative  approach to energetically expressin' deeply delightful devotion to our most beloved Dino.  Such is the vid that we share with all youse Dino-philes this very Dino-day.

From the youtube pad tagged "Cereal At Midnight" come a vibrant vid created by a beautifully buddin' Dino-holic tagged Heath.  Heath's vid is tagged "Dean Martin Variety Show Extravaganza!" and reverently relates this delightful dude's eager efforts to acquire the Time-Life complete compliation of Dino-vids from the Dean Martin Variety Show tagged "The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show: Dean's Ultimate Collection."  Likes as youse listen to Heath's retellin' of all the potent problems he had in gettin' his hands on the set youse will also learn a ton 'bout the History of the Dino-show and 'bout both versions on the show on DVD, that bein' the earlier Gunty-Renker 29 DVD set and the total of 17 Dino-dvds offered by Time-Life.

Likes our fav moment on the DVD is when Heath proudly proclaims, "I've become a massive fan of this show almost overnight."  Heath usin' a ton of jokin' 'round as he shares in the ups and downs of his search as well as does a few imitations of pallies that our Dino hung with and were part of the Dino-show.  There are truly truly unendin' wonderful ways of expressin' amazin' amore of our Dino and Heath has made his Dino-mark with "Dean Martin Variety Show Extravaganza!"

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin Variety Show Extravaganza!

Cereal At Midnight

Published on Sep 21, 2018

Cereal At Midnight goes all in on the Dean Martin Variety Show! From 1965 to 1974,  Dean Martin, aka "The King of Cool," hosted a weekly variety show that was many things: wacky, provocative, topical, and always entertaining. In this video, we'll talk about the show itself as well as the challenges of collecting the many DVDs that have been released over the years! We'll also try to embody just a little bit of the fun and irreverent spirit that made Dean Martin's show so wonderful.


  1. Haha!! Very entertainin’, pallie. Glad our Dino-Bro Heath eventually got his Dino sweet tooth filled!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we are profoundly psyched to have met up with this buddin' Dino-holic, who now can't get 'nough of our most beloved DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty magnificant DINO!
