Sunday, October 28, 2018

Danny G's Special Spooky Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In The Cool Cool Cool Of The Evening"

Welcome back, my little Dino-ghouls & goblins. 

Hope youse is ready for one last CREEPY...SCARY...Darn right FRIGHTENIN' Serenade...from our one 'n only Dino! 

Yes...the time is almost here, my friends! 

The creatures of the night been workin' overtime... to make this Halloween, the mostest spine-tinglin' day of the year! 


 Did I get youse shiverin' in fear, mi amici?! Hahaha!!! 

Just settin' the stage, pals. 

Man...I hate to see this month pass! 

It's SO SO much fun! 

Actually, pallies...I've been in Dino-ween mode since September! 

 I REALLY get into the Halloween case youse can't tell. 

Well, my little spooky Dino-monsters...let's get to the tunes!

 I found us a TOTALLY fun & spooky jam to WEEN ourselves off Dino-ween. 

It's the BEST kinda Dino-vid!
 A LIVE Dino-vid!

 Definitely the most fun watchin' Dean weave his spell on us. 

He's got that "vampirish" way 'bout him that pulls you in & don't let go!

 Man o' man...this is gettin' scarier by the minute! 


OK, palsies o' mine. 
Here's some "In the Cool Cool Cool of the Evening" for youse. 

It's sure to set the mood for these last few, bone-chillin' evenins' of October!

 Enjoy the Dino-vid & have a FEARFULLY fun & safe Halloween. mi amici! 



  1. Can you believe the one most important day to children is almost here Halloween. The only thing more important is Christmas and birthdays, and it won't be much longer till Santa is here. Anyways with all that candy at stake it will be a mad rush to get to as many houses as you can. It almost makes me want to head out, almost. What a great way to bring this all in with a great sounding up beat tune from the one and only Dean Martin. A wonderful selection as always Danny G!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, once 'gain you speaks the pure 'n simple Dino-truth that it's "Definitely the most fun watchin' Dean weave his spell on us." Call us Dino-holics, call us Dino-philes...once youse have accepted our Dino's invite to be wonderfully welcomed into his world...we are marvelously magically mysteriously mesmerized as we fall head over heels for our King of Cool from the moment on. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our beautifully beloved DINO!

  3. Happy Dino-ween, fellas! Awoooooo!!!
