Saturday, September 01, 2018

Touchin' and Tender Moments Of Our Most Beloved Dino Reunitin' With His Most Beloved Partner Mr. Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis
Hey pallies, likes we just can't gets 'nough of viewin' our most beloved Dino reunitin' with his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis on September 5, 1976 durin' the annual MDA Telethon.  So, likes today as we begin the Labor Day Weekend, we share a bit of Dino-creativity creatin' a quintessential quartet of groovy gifs from the early moments of the filmed reunion of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.

We are much much moved by the touchin' and tender way that our Dino walks out onto the stage and immediately  he and Mr. Lewis are locked in an exhilarating embrace with our Dino sportin' the hugest of huge Dino-buddha-grins!  And, likes at the end of the huge huge huggin', our Dino with much awesome affection gently kisses his old partner on the cheek.

As you see below Mr. Frank Sinatra, the one who has done the remarkable deed of bringin' the comedic couple back together after twenty years has a hard time keepin' the two men apart.  And, as our last gif shows, our Dino and Mr. Lewis mostly  tenderly touches each other's cheek, showin' the world just how much the truly love each other.

Likes, we are much appreciate of how Mr. Lewis has  spoken of their relationship as "what we had was a love affair," even subtitlin' his beau-ti-ful bio "Dean And Me" as "A Love Story."  These few moments of magic captures by some simple gifs shows the world forever the deep deep devotion that our most beloved Dino had for his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis.  Truly, truly it was there awesome affection that they had for each other that made their decade long comedic capers marvelously magic for their adorin' fans!

We gotta 'fess up that this marvelously memorable  moment in all of  Dino-history means ever more
the last couple of years with the passin' of our most beloved Dino's most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin Reunion - 1976 MDA Telethon

Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin Reunion - 1976 MDA Telethon

Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin Reunion - 1976 MDA Telethon

Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin Reunion - 1976 MDA Telethon


  1. Movin’ gifs, pal. Chokes me up a wee bit, haha!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the way that these two lovin' touch each other's cheeks shows the deepest of deep devotion that they truly had for each other....I totally agree with Mr. Lewis that what he and our Dino had was a love affair! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty magnificent marvelous DINO!
