Saturday, September 29, 2018

The truth about Dean Martin

Image result for the truth about dean martin youtube cbn

Hey pallies, likes youse never ever knows what sort of Dino-edification will turn up next over at Dino-tube (yea...yea...we knows it's tag is youtube, but likes with so so much delightful Dino-vids found there it's Dino-tube to us Dino-holics.  Well, likes we were recently searchin' for "Mr. Ricco" vid clips at the tube when we happened 'pon a newly posted vid tagged "The truth about Dean Martin" and in less then the week that it has been up it has garnered over 8,500 we just had to checks it out.

Well, the vid was created by a pad tagged "CELEBRITY CBN" and they have shared a plethora of  youtube vids on the rich and the famous.  We listened to the vid in total....31:04 minutes in length.

We found that, for the most part the Dino-truths are accurate, and near the end we discovered a few Dino-details that we don't remember knowin' before.  We enjoyed many incredible images of our Dino shared on the screen, includin' a number, particularly of our Dino and wife numero duo, Jeanne, that we had not viewed before.

That said, there is an incredibly irritatin' thin' 'bout this vid....the script is bein' read by a computer "voice" and one of the patters stated the problemo so well.... Miss Martha Welch states, "There are SO many mispronounced words and names in Italian and English. "That's A Mar", as the computer voice says,  isn't the title of one of his best songs. Since this video is a tribute to a legend, Dino, he deserves the honor of getting things right."

We are absolutely appreciative of each and every effort given in sharin' the life, times, and teachin' of our Dino....gettin' the Dino-message out as Dino-far and Dino-wide as we says our thanks to the pallies at "CLELBRITY CBN" for creatin' this vid...we only wishes that they had used a live voice to share the Dino-details.  btw, we gotta 'fess up that we were totally totally thrilled to see the duo image of our Dino with his young amore Miss Gail Renshaw and our Dino with wife numero duo Jeanne sharin' the cover image of the vid.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

The truth about Dean Martin


Published on Sep 21, 2018

Dean Martin ( June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was a comedian, actor and American singer, was also a member of the "Rat Pack", made up of the famous artists Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford.

Dean Martin entered the nightclub circuit and landed a contract with MCA to sing in New York City. There he met Jerry Lewis and they started a long-running comedy partnership on radio, television and film. The team split in 1956 in Las Vegas stage shows and on film.


  1. Was cool to listen to. The animated voice was a wee bit silly but still interestin’. Just shows that the world is still cravin’ Dino-knowledge!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we believes that the Dino-cravin's are supremely stronger then ever as so so many of today's youth are movin' into deeper 'n deeper Dino-devotion. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
