Friday, September 14, 2018

Dean Martin....The one who was a crooner, a movie actor , seducer or stooge Jerry Lewis represented the perfect incarnation of the American dream.....

Hey pallies, as we continue to powerfully place the name of our most beloved Dino 'long with the Dino-descriptive term menefreghista into the powerfully powerful google search engine, we are profoundly pleased to continue to report that yet more intriguin' international delightful devotion to our Dino continues to surface.  Today we visit with a news pad for the French Canadian province of Montréal, "Le Journal de Montréal" where  reporter Mr. Chistophe Rodriguez (pictured at the side) shared a daddy-o day focused post on June 14 in the year of our Dino 2012.

Likes a potent portion of Christophe's primo pontifications tagged "Cigarettes, whiskey and little dad" (dare we say all Dino-related themes!) awesomely accents our daddy-o of daddy-oes, our one, our only Dino.  Seems that the remarkable release of what Rodriguez delightfully declares, "a luxurious box set (4 CDs and DVDs)" tagged "Dean Martin-Collected Cool" had recently been released by the pallies at Universal and, of course, Christophe radiantly recommends it to his readership as a delightful Daddy-o Day gift.  We are beautifully blown 'way by this obvious Dino-adulator when he speaks so so lovin'ly of our Dino sayin'..." The one who was a crooner, a movie actor , seducer or stooge Jerry Lewis represented the perfect incarnation of the American dream..."

As is often the case when we share Dino-devotion that is several years old, the vid that Mr. Rodriguez posted is no longer available, so we are takin' this Dino-opportunity to shares with you the youtube vid postin' of the full length recordin' of our Dino's Live in London (1983) Concert at the Apollo Victoria Theater.  That the DVD disc that was included in premier "Dean Martin-Collected Cool" boxed set.

We shouts out our abundant appreciato to Mr. Christophe Rodriguez for choosin' to awesomely accent our Dino and energetically encourage pallies to gift deservin' daddy-oes with the gift of DINO!  And, btw pallies, we noted that as part of his Dino-presentation Christophe  graciously shared our humble little Dino-blog with his readers as well as the official Dino-site.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Cigarettes, whiskey and little dad


Thursday, 14 June 2012 21:54

Tomorrow you will celebrate Father's Day. For those who are still present, embrace them and the missing, a smile and especially the duty of memory. The record companies know how to do this, since everything is good for us to iron, unfortunately quite often, unnecessary compilations or reshuffles at the lowest prices.

For once, the record company Universal pays homage to Dean Martin, Dean Martin-Collected Cool , crooner with a luxurious box set (4 CDs and DVDs) from the early '60s to the' 80s. The one who was a crooner, a movie actor , seducer or stooge Jerry Lewis represented the perfect incarnation of the American dream, but according to its American author Nick Tosches: Dino - the beautiful life in the dirty film industry (Rivages) was a menefreghista "a type that do not give a fuck.

For dads, the virtuoso with a seductive voice that will also delight many moms

Dean Martin - Live in London (1983)
Concert at the Apollo Victoria Theater. June 9-12 & 14-19, 1983.

Demain, vous célèbrerez la fête des Pères. Pour ceux qui sont encore présent, embrassez – les et aux disparus, un sourire et surtout le devoir de mémoire. Les compagnies de disques savent y faire en la matière, puisque tout est bon pour nous repasser, malheureusement assez souvent, des compilations inutiles ou des remboîtages aux plus bas prix.

Pour une fois, la compagnie de disques Universal rend hommage au crooner Dean Martin, Dean Martin-Collected Cool avec un coffret luxueux (4 CD et DVD) qui va du début des années 60 aux années 80. Celui qui fut crooner, acteur de cinéma, séducteur ou faire-valoir de Jerry Lewis représentait l’incarnation parfaite du rêve américain, mais selon son l’auteur américain Nick Tosches : Dino – la belle vie dans la sale industrie du cinéma (Rivages) fut un menefreghista « un type qui n’en a rien à foutre ».

Pour les papas, le virtuose avec une voix séduisante et qui fera aussi le bonheur de bien des mamans

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