Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Dazzlin' Dozen Of Potent Pixs Of Our Dino A La Ricco

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Hey pallies, likes we were so supremely stoked by yester-Dino-days sharin' of those noteworthy nonet of incredibly illuminatin' greatly groovy gifs of our most beloved Dino in awesome action as "Mr. Ricco," that we just have to extend our swankest of swank salute to our King of Cool as tough lawyer Mr. Joe Ricco one more day with a delightful dazzlin' dozen of potent pixs of our Dino a la Ricco.

Likes these superb shots of our main man are remarkably reflective of the fantastic fact that our Dino was always a man of his times.....these times bein' the swingin' seventies and our Dino is at the potent pinnacle of life and times as it was in the seventies that our Dino's personal persona became completely, coolly congruent with his professional persona of swinger extraordinaire...makin' the scene at the Candy Store Discotheque, wearin' the mod mod fashions of the day, and lettin' his hair grow longer with those stunnin' sideburns.

Most of these powerfully provocative and equally evocative poses are directly taken from "Mr. Ricco."  Likes one or two of them are coolest of cool candids sweetly snapped 'round the time that "Mr. Ricco" was filmed in '75.  We hopes tons of youse Dino-holics were able to catch a great glimpse of our Dino as Joe Ricco when the flick was shown on Turner Movie Classics earlier this very Dino-day.  And, likes remember that this Dino-epic is still available on DVD from the pallies at Warner Archives. Likes this concludes our series of posts on our Dino in "Mr. Ricco" for the moment, but we have discovered more remarkable reviews and such that we plan on sharin' in the future.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

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DM as Mr. Ricco

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  1. Just doesn’t get any cooler than that, pal! Been a great Mr Ricco kinda week! Thanks for keepin’ the Dino-vibe in full gear, DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as youse so often sez, the Dino-pleasure is all ours! Keeps lovin' 'n watchin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. That first b&w photo puts me in mind of Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird).

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, very interestin' Dino-observation! Keeps growin' in DINO!

  5. I like the pics. But man does Dean look tired in most em. I think the last pic is from 5 card stud though. Scene where he's getting a "shave". Belt buckle is more cowboy then 70's. and shirt pretty much matches that worn in film.

  6. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley, great to have you patter us 'gain...we loves it when you chimes in with your deepest of deep Dino-knowledge which we so respect. Likes there coulda be a number of reasons why our Dino, as you sez, "looked tired in most em. The character of Joe Ricco was a lawyer who had many a reason to be tired, and we think that our Dino played it to the T. And, in the swingin' '70s our Dino really cut loose and let his persona persona be completely congruent with his performance persona and how wouldn't be a bit spent makin' the scene at such places as the Candy Store Discotheque with lovely young thin's! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
