Thursday, August 09, 2018

The hardest concerned the death in 1987 of her first husband, Dino Martin, who flew from LA to Britain to beg her for a date.

Hey pallies, likes we are back 'gain with more intriguin' info on the new tome, "The Girl On The Balcony" an autobiography scribed by Miss Olivia Hussey, first wife of our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie and namesake, Dino Martin Jr.  Likes recently we reported the news of the publication of this movin' memoir with the potent post you can read HERE.  Today we 'gain return to 'nother Brit blog with more deep Dino Jr. details.  The world wide web source this time 'round is "The Guardian" with an interview conducted with Miss Hussey by Miss Amy Nicholson tagged "Olivia Hussey, star of Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet: 'I was wild'."

Likes below we share a couple of evocative excerpts from Nicholson where we learn that our Dino's grandboypallie Alexander Gunther Martin co-authored "The Girl On The Balcony" with Hussey.  Alexander is, of course, Olivia's oldest child and son of Dino Martin Jr.  As the prose states, Alexander "co-wrote the chapters that Hussey couldn’t bring herself to type. The hardest concerned the death in 1987 of her first husband, Dino Martin."  We also learn insider information of what happened when Dino Jr. brought home the Bee Gees...check it out pallies!

 Add to that an elegantly,  exquisitely evocative image  of Miss Hussey with Dino Martin Jr..... some of the most beautiful people from the swingin' seventies, and once 'gain we gets more and more perfectly psyched to get our hands on this vital  volume to gain more inspirin' insights into Dino Jr., fam Martin, and our most beloved Dino himself.  This incredible image of Dino Jr and Miss Olivia makes us hugely hunger to see the other images shared on the pages of this tell all tome.

Likes once 'gain we sez our thank you very much to Miss Amy Nicholson and all the pallies at "The Guardian" for this interview with Miss Hussey.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  And, of course, you will be able to read it in total there.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hussey and her first husband Dino Martin.
Hussey and her first husband, Dean Martin’s son Dino.

That memory is half hers, half her eldest son Alex Martin’s, who co-wrote the chapters that Hussey couldn’t bring herself to type. The hardest concerned the death in 1987 of her first husband, Dino Martin, who flew from LA to Britain to beg her for a date. She said no. But a year later, Hussey moved to California, and eventually said yes.

 Hussey found herself at the centre of a celebrity shift. Dino was the eldest son of the Rat Pack’s Dean Martin. Dinner at the in-laws meant meeting everyone from Sammy Davis Jr and Truman Capote to Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Meanwhile, Dino surprised his bride by bringing the Bee Gees home for dinner. She answered the door in her pyjamas.


  1. Man! What a dinner party! Dino & Sammy! LiZ & Dick! I’d give my last martini to even be a fly on the wall for that one!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes what wouldn't anyone of us Dino-philes give to be in the immediate presence of our Dino no matter who else was in the place?!?!?!?!?! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. We also learn insider information of what happened when Dino Jr. brought home the Bee Gees...

    One of the most endearing passages in the book!

    Another wonderful passage was about how our Dino called the police on one of Jeanne's parties at the mansion of Mountain Drive. Our Dino hated her parties and fled upstairs to get away from all the commotion. LOL.

    The Girl on the Balcony belongs in every private library of Dino fans.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...thanks for your passion in gettin' this Dino-volume right away and awesomely affirmin' that said tome "belongs in every private library of Dino fan." Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
