Saturday, August 25, 2018

RIO BRAVO Vid Clips by Mr. Will DiGravio

Image result for WILL DIGRAVIO
Hey pallies, likes as we close out yet 'nother week of Dino-devotionals here at ilovedinomartin, we are proudly pleased to share with all youse Dino-holics a thrillin' third helpin' of Dino-adulation from the cool creativity of Mr. Will DiGravio.  Likes as we continued to search the incredible internet puttin' Will's name as well as that of our most beloved Dino into the google search engine, we happened 'pon Mr. DiGravio's vid pad at Viemo where 'mong other terrific  treasures Will has posted
a septet of completely creative vids based on his deeply in depth observations of our Dino's western classic, "Rio Bravo."

Likes faithful readers of our humble little Dino-blog will remember that on Thursday of this Dino-week we published Mr. DiGravio's swankest of swank scribin's on the openin' moments of "Rio Bravo" that we tagged ".....the story of Rio Bravo belongs to Dude....."  Youse can view that post  HERE.

Likes in addition to Will's usin' his wonderful writin' talents to hugely homage our Dino as the Dude,
likes below he has used marvelous media methodology to use selective footage in cool conjunction with  historic thoughts on the cinema by Tolstoy, multi-screen moments that incredibly intersect with themes from "Rio Bravo,"  and Will's wise words on the Japanese word "Kenzoko," which means family...deep deep friendship...and much more!  Likes the vid clips are pretty short in length, but remarkably reflective in DiGravio's energetic efforts to show how Rio Bravo's simple story line reflects real life situations.

A number of these valuable vids were created by Will for his course work in the classs "Videographic Film Studies," at Middlebury College.  We find it totally totally thrillin' to share how Mr. DiGravio has used some of our Dino's best work on film in his collegiate coursework!  Once 'gain ilovedinomartin solemnly salutes Mr. Will DiGravio for usin' his tremendous talents so so coolly creatively to honor our Dino's extraordinary energies in the western film classic, "Rio Bravo."

Some  day, perhaps, we will find the time and energy to do better justice to these vibrant videos by scribin' a primo post on each.  As usual, to checks these videos out in their original source at vimeo, simply click on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Tolstoy on the Cinema | RIO BRAVO Epigraph from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

MultiScreen | RIO BRAVO from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

Kenzoku | RIO BRAVO Voice Over from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

Every Time a Character Laughs | RIO BRAVO Supercut from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

LOLing | RIO BRAVO Abstract from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

PechaKucha (1) | RIO BRAVO from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

PechaKucha (2) | RIO BRAVO from Will DiGravio on Vimeo.

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