Friday, August 31, 2018

Dino taught me what it means to be in LOVE with LOVE!

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LaDonna Bella Villalobos
Hey pallies, likes our Dino-heart is bein' hugely warmed this day by what we find to be one of the most most touchin' & tender Dino-testimonials that we have ever ever read....likes even perhaps the greatest testimonial.   Likes we found these wonderfully wise words of Dino-truth shared as a comment on the beautiful blog of Mr. Rob Alves that was featured Wednesday  HERE.  Alves is an amazin' music man and his Mixcloud blog is tagged " Rob MyLifeIsAcid."

Likes a lovely lady tagged Miss LaDonna Bella Villalobos commented on Rob's Dino-post, "One Hour With Dean Martin, and truth be told Dino-holics we have been literally blown 'way with the utter depth of how deeply our most beloved Dino has touched her life and what our one and only Dino has taught her, as she sez so extraordinarily, eloquently states...." Dino taught me what it means to be in LOVE with LOVE!"

There truly truly are not adequate words to express the deepest of deep depth of the incredible impact that our Dino has had on Miss Villalobos' life, so we ask you to simply read her remarkable reverent words shared below.  We thanks LaDonna Bella for her most open awesome affirmation of what our Dino means to her.  May her deep devotion to our King of Cool help others to be drawn closer and closer to knowin', lovin', and sharin' our Dino!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

My cup Runneth over with LOVE! Dino taught me what it means to be in LOVE with LOVE! I listen to Dean Martin every morning and fill my heart and soul with LOVE! His voice melts all my troubles away! I got my tender heart from Dean and my sence of humor from Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis! I grew up in such an abusive dysfunctional household, But I honestly believe Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies are the reason I am so filled with LOVE, I have never had hatred towards any one in my life! My goal in life is to teach others, your past hurts don't have to stay with you! Through musical therapy and being a life coach, watching others heal from their past is the most rewarding thing in my life with exception to my 3 loving children!Thank you so much for sharing the LOVE!


  1. Wow! LaDonna is obviously a beautiful person in & out. Her words are awesome & I HOPE her message is reached by ANY & EVERY Dino-lovin’ & Life-lovin’ pallie out there! Truly inspirin’ to hear how our pal has helped the healin’ of ‘nother blessed soul. Thanks for sharin’ this, DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as always so so well Dino-stated and we are also trustin' that these supremely special Dino-testimonial will deeply draw tons more of pallies into bein' warmly welcomed into our Dino's wonderful world! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW.....that's our mighty marvelous majestic DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
