Thursday, August 16, 2018

Dino sent a telegram to Elvis Presley that read, “If you can’t handle the Beatles, I’ll do it for you, pally.”

Hey pallies, likes today we are deeply delighted to rerun  yet 'nother remarkable reflection on that most delightful day in Dino-history when Billboard announced to the whole world that our most most beloved Dino had knocked the Beatles off the top of the charts with his coolest of cool croons, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

Today's Dino-gram first shared here at ilovedinomartin on August 16, 2016 comes our way from the blog "DO YOU REMEMBER," where scriber Miss Kaye Bassett Millar offers here delightful Dino-prose "King of Cool Dean Martin Declares “Everybody Loves Somebody.”   Miss Millar shares pretty much the familiar story how the events surrounding our Dino's recording of his pianist Ken Lane's song, and how it reached the top of the charts.  What brings us most delight is how Kaye shares the swank story of how our ever lovin' Dino sent his pallie  ,and hugest of huge Dino-devotee himself,  Elvis Presley a telegram announcin' his victory over the Beatles.  Youse can read Dino's words for yourself below.

We swankly salute Miss Kaye Bassett Millar at "DO YOU REMEMBER" for lovin'ly liftin' up for her readership this marvelously magical moment in the cool career of our one and only Dino, surely helpin' many many more pallies to come to know, love, and honor our King of Cool.  As usual, to checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

King of Cool Dean Martin Declares “Everybody Loves Somebody”

By Kaye Bassett Millar - July 28, 2016

In 1964, Dean Martin was finishing up recording his Dream with Dean album and had completed 11 songs. Albums always had 12 songs in the US, so Dean asked his conductor and piano player Ken Lane if he had something else for him. Ken said he had an old song he had written – “Everybody Loves Somebody.” Dean liked it and recorded it with just Ken, a bass player, a guitar and drums. The reaction to the cut on the album was so great that Dean went back into the studio and re-recorded it for a single release with a full orchestra and background singers. It was such a hit that it knocked “A Hard Day’s Night” out of its #1 spot on the charts. It became Dean’s theme song for his TV show the next year in 1965. The other version is still available on compilation albums.

When this knocked A Hard Day’s Night off the top of the US charts, Dino sent a telegram to Elvis Presley that read, “If you can’t handle the Beatles, I’ll do it for you, pally.”

(sourced from

“Everybody Loves Somebody”

Everybody loves somebody sometime
Everybody falls in love somehow
Something in your kiss just told me
That sometime is nowEverybody finds somebody someplace
There’s no telling where love may appear
Something in my heart keeps saying
My someplace is here
If I had it in my power
I’d arrange for every girl to have your charms
Then every minute, every hour
Everybody would find what I found in your arms

Everybody loves somebody sometime
And though my dreams were overdue
Your love made it all worth waiting
For someone like you

If I had it in my power
I’d arrange for every girl to have your charms
Then every minute, every hour
Everybody would find what I found in your arms

Everybody loves somebody sometime
And though my dreams were overdue
Your love made it all worth waiting
For someone like you

lyrics by


  1. Great post , pal & very appropriate on the King of Rock n Roll’s anniversary of his passin’. The King of Cool & The King of Rock. 2 cool cool fellas who will never fade away.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for the patter...both great entertainers, but Elvis recognized that our Dino was the greatest! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous DINO!

  3. And our Dino's signature tune is still magic over 50 years later!
