Sunday, August 19, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It Had To Be You"

Welcome back, mi Dino-lovin' amici! 

Man o man...what a WON DER FUL mood I is in today!

 Im just sittin' here...chillin'...listenin' to some BEA U TI FUL tunes from our pal, Dino...and WOW!

 I'm just REALLY soakin' up the POWERFUL vocal he possessed, pals!

 Too many peeps out there just don't give him 'nough credit for his ability to REALLY deliver a song! 

He didn't need to get loud...didn't need to belt it out. 
His laid back...take your time his music, was TRULY magic!

 When I get a couple hours of "alone" time, like this...I simply cants' wait to get to my 'puter…& get the Dino-vids playin'!

 Immediately I'm taken away to a HAPPY & FUN FUN place, frozen in time. 

Any & all worries...melt away...leavin' me floatin' off the ground &  in total "Awe" at the allure of Dean. 

He truly sucks youse in & keeps you hangin' on his every note! 

Wantin' for it to never stop!

 It's really crazy the power a well presented tune can have over you, mi amici. 

A power ONLY Dino has over me. 

I'm bettin' over most of youse, too.

 OK...'nough from me. 
Let's let Dean show youse what I mean! 

Now...check this one out, pallies.
 Youse'll see what i'm talkin' 'bout.

 It's a BEA U TI FIL Serenade 'bout complete & unconditional love...just like we have for Dino.

 "It Had to Be You".



  1. A classic song and I must say Dean hit it just perfect. It would be so easy to over do this but he simply nailed it. A perfect choice for this Sunday Danny G.! Hopefully you have not melted up in New England this week. It is hard to believe we are charging into September but at least it will be cooler.

    Have a great week my friend.


  2. his ability to REALLY deliver a song

    One reason that I so love Dream with Dean, an album with minimalist accompaniment.

    Our Dino's voice without backup is sheer magic. Every time.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we loves hows youse share your totally sold-out-to-Dino potent patter each and every Dino-week with all us Dino-philes. As always youse speaketh from the depth of your Dino-heart of the depth of your devotion to our Dino..."Any & all worries...melt away...leavin' me floatin' off the ground & in total "Awe" at the allure of Dean." How greatly grateful to be able to call you pallie and to join you in bein' welcomed into our Dino's world of awesome alure! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our main marvelous man!

  4. Hey, pals...Scotty, Ms. AOW, & DMP! So So happy to hear that youse all dug the croon! Just one mere but powerful example of our pals ability to leave us droolin’ for more! Always my pleasure to bring your way & I can’t wait to get to work on next week’s Serenade!

  5. Dino owns this song pallies! Wrapped up and de-liv-ered, as you said Danny!!
