Tuesday, July 17, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: July 17, 1950

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we never ever before remember there bein' so so many hugely historical dates in the month of July in Dino-history.  Likes today we are perfectly pleased to be able to share 'nother of dem dates.  From the pallies at the blog "Be a Seed for Change," comes news that it was on this day, July 17 in the year of our Dino 1950 that the classic comedy duo of our Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis headlined the debut of the Colgate Comedy Hour on the small screen.


Watchin' the Colgates that our Dino and Mr. Lewis headlined gives all us Dino-holics the awesome op to  see our beloved Dino and his beloved partner at their funniest and likes we personally wishes that we had more hours in the day to be able to watch 'em over and over and they never ever grow old.  Below we share of of the earliest of the series of powerfully potent performances from 1950...likes we don't believe that it is the first, as we tried to locate that on youtube with no success.

We thanks the pallies at the blog "Be a Seed for Change" for makin' aware of this very very special day in the life and times of our one and only Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

DEAN MARTIN AND JERRY LEWIS TV SHOW - 1950 - The Colgate Comedy Hour

1950 – The television show “The Colgate Comedy Hour” debuted featuring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.


  1. 68 years! Wow! It’s funny ‘cause it seems so
    long ago & at the same time...not really. Either way pal...television & the world itself would never be the same.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we hears ya...youse weren't even born on this Dino-date, but certainly youse and zillions of other pallies have been deeply moved by our most beloved Dino and his awesome antics with his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our DINO!

  3. Big Bang, Glass Hat, 'Friend Irma, Colgate Hour...baby....things that changed this big blue ball we're floatin' on like like nothin' previous or since. The Comedic Richter Scale was shaken to a tilt on the ole boob-tube that day, baby.

    Wonderful catch Mr. DMP, impeccable as ever!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, we can see that you haven't lost that delightful Dino-touch of powerfully, potently praisin' our most beloved Dino! We've missed you man, but know that youse have work and fam committments tuggin' you in important directions, but we woulda be most pleased to share more of your incredibly intriguin' insights into our main man. How's the wife and boypallies daddy-o? Trust that little Dino will grow to live up to his namesake!
    Keeps lovin' our most most most beloved DINO!
