Thursday, July 05, 2018

"My grandad and my mum's side of the family are Italian, and I'm a massive fan of Dean Martin......."


Hey pallies, likes we absolutely, completely, totally thrills to learn of yet 'nother up and comin' energetic entertainer who openly and affirmatively lifts up the name of our Dino and our Dino's incredible influence in their life and work.  Likes today we proudly introduce you to Mr. Tom Zanetti who, likes our most beloved Dino, is himself a remarkable renaissance man.  Zanetti's bio tells us that Tom is is a British rapper, singer, record producer and model, and was tagged at birth Thomas Byron Courtney.

In a primo profile of Mr. Zanetti, "Soundtrack To My Life: Tom Zanetti," that google 'lerts helped us uncover at the Brit blog pad "Complex" we learn that Tom's "grandad and (his) mum's side of the family are Italian" and Zanetti proudly proclaims "I'm a massive fan of Dean Martin."  The classic Dino-croon that Tom shares to illustrate his Dino-passion is "Volare" and Zanetti says this classic croon "brings back a lot of memories from when I was growing up, and even now will put me instantly into a good mood."

And, likes pallies ain't that the total thrillin' truth 'bout each and every swank song sung by our most beloved Dino...they always "instantly" puts us "into a good mood!"  We thank the pallies at Complex for puttin' us in to the Mr. Tom Zanetti's awesome adulation of our Dino and we thank Tom himself for publicly professin' his amazin' amore of our Dino, for certain influencin' many more of his gen to gets into the Dino-groove.  Likes to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Soundtrack To My Life: Tom Zanetti


Tom Zanetti

A good Soundtrack To My Life feature should, like a good DJ, take you into unexpected realms. This series wasn't just started to find out their favourite records, it should tell us surprising things about that artist; it should broaden our horizons and maybe even sometimes trigger our own memories from those formative years. Of the many artists we've profiled here over the years, few have hit all those marks quite as well as house DJ and MC Tom Zanetti, whose new single, "Make It Look Good", is out today.

Scroll down below and you'll see that his selections—which range between reggae, NY hip-hop, pop, indie, swing and even opera—are eclectic to say the least. Each of these selections takes us straight to a specific moment of time: through Sinatra and Martin we're taken to Tom's Italian heritage, via Eminem and Biggie we get to see his teenage rebellion, and through obscure Ukranian DJ Egor Boss we get a glimpse of Zanetti: the selector, soundtracking your wild hedonism. We couldn't have asked for more.

Dean Martin — "Volare"

"My grandad and my mum's side of the family are Italian, and
 I'm a massive fan of Dean Martin, Ratpack and Frank Sinatra. 'Volare' brings back a lot of memories from when I was growing up, and even now will put me instantly into a good mood."


  1. Me & Tom share some similarities bein’ Italiano & obviously our passion for Dino. Many of Deans croons bring back Lots of fun fun memories & ALWAYS gets me in a good mood!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, your primo patter reminds us just the beautiful bondin' 'tween Dino-holics and just how marvelous much Dino-holics share in their awesome adulation of our most most most beloved DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our King of Cool!
