Monday, June 25, 2018

One of the auction’s top conversation pieces, a 14-karat yellow gold Le Coultre watch given to Lewis by Dean Martin and inscribed “Jerry My Buddy/ and Pal/ I Love You/ Dino,” sold for.....

Image result for ilovedinomartin jerry lewis dean martin

Hey pallies, likes today we begins with a thoughtful THANK YOU! to our pallies over at google 'lerts, 'cause they have saved us a massive 'mount of time 'n effort searchin' for the answer to the pressin' Dino-quiry on devoted Dino-holics minds, "Exactly how much did that fantastically fabulous wrist watch that our most beloved Dino gifted to his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis sell for at auction on June 20 in 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.

Well, likes a Dino-'lert from our pallies at google sent us to the cyberspace home pad of the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL were scriber Mr. John Katsilometes reveals that anticipated answer to this Dino-mystery in his potent prose, "Sam Lewis: Jerry ‘Would have been happy’ at estate auction."  The "Sam Lewis" referenced in the article was Mr. Lewis' widow.  As you will read below, this powerfully prized Dino-treasure, "a 14-karat yellow gold Le Coultre watch"  with an estimated value between $4 and $6 thou went for.....(drum roll).....$37,500.

We were able to view a small portion of the auction last Friday via the internet and discovered that the timepiece was numero 371 in the sale listin' and we had to get off the 'puter before it came up for auction.  We woulda have loved to see the awesome action as the bidders when wild vyin' for the winnin' bid. Likes we don't know if we will ever be able to uncover who exactly got personal possession of this greatest of great gift from our great man to his great partner...but if we do, know that the pages of ilovedinomartin will shares it with Dino-philes everywhere.

Likes we thanks the pallies at "LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL and 'specially Mr. John Katilometes for sharin' this most noteworthy news.  To read the article in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for jerry lewis auction dean martin watch

Sam Lewis: Jerry ‘Would have been happy’ at estate auction

By John Katsilometes Las Vegas Review-Journal

One of the auction’s top conversation pieces, a 14-karat yellow gold Le Coultre watch given to Lewis by Dean Martin and inscribed “Jerry My Buddy/ and Pal/ I Love You/ Dino,” sold for $37,500 (the estimate was $4,000-6,000);


  1. What a treasure this is, esp since I love watches. Now what Dean Martin fan would not love to own something like this. How proud the new owner must be to wear an actual watch from the King of Comedy himself and given from Jerry Lewis to boot! A wonderful posting DMP and of course one can dream!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, indeed EVERY DINO-HOLIC woulda loves to claim this Dino-treasure as their very Dino-own. We woulda so so loves to know when and why our Dino gifted his partner with this greatest of great gift. Keeps lovin' our most most most beloved DINO!
