Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Mountain Carol...... Some lovin' words from I Love Dino Martin...

Image result for The Mountain Carol
Hey pallies, likes there's an ol' sayin' that "one good turn deserves 'nother."  Well, likes on May 10 of this Dino-month of May were were totally totally thrilled to lovin'ly lift up a new cd single and official music vid that was incredibly influenced by our most most beloved Dino.  Youse can find that Dino-gram  HERE.  It's 'bout a swingin' musical group tagged "The Mountain  Carol" who proudly professes that our Dino is one of their biggest influences.  The swank song is sweetly tagged "DINO" and we were over the moon (still are!) 'bout these marvelous musicians openly 'n affirmatively makin' their awesome adulation of our Dino known to the  whole wide world.

Likes after postin' our appreciato here at ilovedinomartin we shared some patter with this great group at youtube where they have shared the "DINO" vid.  Well, when we recently visited The Mountain Carol's facebook page we found a primo post there accentin' our Dino-efforts on their behalf.  Below is said post tagged "Some lovin' words from I Love Dino Martin..."

Indeed our good Dino-turn of makin' all youse Dino-holics 'ware of The Mountain Carol's huge huge homage of our Dino has sparked a good Dino-turn in return to us here at our humble little Dino-conclave.  Likes we are terrifically touched by this keen kindness by The Mountain Carol and we wishes them swank success as they soon will release the awesome al-b-um that includes the "DINO" song.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Some lovin' words from I Love Dino Martin...

Hey pallies, likes our most beloved Dino's incredible influence on today's youth is definitely deeper and supremely stronger then ever ...


  1. Cool stuff, pal! One good Dino-turn does indeed deserve ‘Nother!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, words can't truly express our appreciation for the appreciato of Dino-devotees that we gratefully feature here at ilovedinomartin! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
