Wednesday, May 02, 2018

The feeling always was with this show that Dean was having a party, and you were invited

Hey pallies, we're beau-ti-fully back for 'nother helpin' of delightful Dino-wisdom from the potent pen of Dr.  Andrew J Kunka's bodacious blog, " DR. K'S 100 SUPER SPECTACULAR PAGES 100."   Likes a mentioned yester-Dino-day, our deeply devoted Dino-phile Prof. K's  has chosen to take a "Matt Helm Week: Interlude" before perfectly pontificatin' on Helmer duo, "Murders' Row.

Dr. K's awesome adulation of our Dino begins with the incredible image of our Dino on the cover of his awesome al-b-um, "Pretty Baby," with a beau-ti-ful blonde babe attractin' the attentionado of our dreamy Dino.  Prof K's  cool comment bein' "First off, I just want to point out that I want to live in this world."  And likes pallies, don't we all crave to be welcomed into our Dino's wonderful world?!?!?!?!

Likes in addition, Dr. K's swankly shares a couple of classic comedic clips from the Dino-show, as he sez, "to give readers who never got to experience it an understanding of just how the show operated."  While the original youtube clips that Prof K shared were no longer on youtube....we were totally totally thrilled to find 'em on the 'tube once 'gain...makin' us wanna shout out our tremendous thanks to all the pallies who keep sharin' more and more Dino-vids for all our Dino-viewin' pleasure.

We thanks our Dino-addicted pallie Dr. K for this sweetest of sweet treat of a Dino-interlude while we awesomely anticipate sharin' his randiest of randy ravin' review of "Murders' Row on the 'morrow.
To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Matt Helm Week: Interlude

First off, I just want to point out that I want to live in this world:

(Cover taken from Will Pfeifer's blog, who got it from If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger.)

I thought today that I'd include clips from Dean Martin's variety show to give readers who never got to experience it an understanding of just how the show operated. Here's a bit with Dino and John Wayne, who had just co-starred together in The Sons of Katie Elder:

Now, this bit was clearly not rehearsed at all. Dean responds to the jokes as if he's seeing them for the first time. Would it have been smoother if it were rehearsed? Yes. Would it have been better? Probably not. A big part of Dino's charm was his ability to laugh his way through the rough spots.

One of the highlights of this show was the way in which Dino and his guests would just crack each other up during sketches, which probably couldn't have happened if they had seen the scripts beforehand. Here's a wild sketch, with Jimmy Stewart, Dino, and Orson Welles at a Men's Hair Salon (Holy Crap!):

The joke about "Tab and Rock showing up" to a party "in identical blazers" is interesting, to say the least.

The feeling always was with this show that Dean was having a party, and you were invited. That's also the feeling I get from the Matt Helm movies as well, and that's what makes them so enjoyable.


  1. Wonderful post and video clips as always DMP, one thing that struck me dead on by Dr. K was the notion that Dean hardly ever rehearsed, he simply went along with the scene and made it up on the fly. Not very many entertainers could do something like this and it really tells you just how special Dean was. A great post as always DMP.

    Have a nice weekend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, and might we say dude that your primo patter is great as always Dino-holic Scotty-o! Keeps lovin' on our beautifully beloved DINO!
