Thursday, May 10, 2018

.....but “DEAN-O,” as in Dean Martin— one of The Mountain Carol’s biggest influences.

Image result for The Mountain Carol
Hey pallies, likes our most beloved Dino's incredible  influence on today's youth  is definitely deeper and supremely stronger then ever and today's Dino-devotion will offer  perfect proof with ubber undeniable extraordinary evidence of this Dino-truth.!

From the swingin' site, "Music Talkers," where pallies "currently report on all the latest music news and trends," with their awesome accent "is to help up-and-coming artists," comes the primo prose, "LOSE YOURSELF IN THE ATMOSPHERIC NEW SINGLE & VIDEO "DINO" FROM THE MOUNTAIN CAROL."  And, likes you got that straight pallies the new single and video "DINO" is the hugest of huge homage of our one, our only Dino!

Likes sweet scriber Miss Hanna Yando from "Music Talkers" lavishly, lovin'ly lauds this single with these wonderfully wise words, "The Mountain Carol's brand new single "Dino" provides a decadent dip into this state of introspective relaxation, with atmospheric, electro-pop sounds providing a calming yet equally inspiring aura for reflection and exploration."  And, likes she also puts us on to the fabulous fact that "The title of this track is not pronounced “DYE-NO” but “DEAN-O,” as in Dean Martin— one of The Mountain Carol’s biggest influences."

Words can simply not convey our deeper then deep Dino-delight to find more of today's up-and-comin' musical artists so so openly and affirmin'ly usin' there musical magic to proudly proclaim the incredible influence that our Dino has on their live and work!  Likes we were amazin'ly able to find the virile vid of "DINO" at youtube and swankly share it with all youse Dino-holics below.  The two Dino-philes from "The Mountain Carol" in the  vid are Mr.Bruce Wilson and Mr.  Ausstin Petrashune.  Youse can swankly see the influences that our Dino has on their lives....cooler then cool, hipper then hip, randiest of randy!

Likes we wishes these dudes the sweetest of sweet success with their cool careers and thanks 'em for surely helpin' to bring tons and tons of today's youth into the Dino-fold!  Thanks also to Miss Hanna Yando and the pallies at "Music Talkers" for puttin' us on to this latest and greatest of deep deep devotion to our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


by Hanna Yando  Created: 04 May 2018

Sometimes the only way to move forward is to take a step back. Relax, unfocus, and gradually a larger image will come into view. The Mountain Carol's brand new single "Dino" provides a decadent dip into this state of introspective relaxation, with atmospheric, electro-pop sounds providing a calming yet equally inspiring aura for reflection and exploration. The first single off their upcoming debut album Starkiller and the Banshees, "Dino" provides a delicious taste of the band's latest work. Its video provides a tease of mystery, and possible answers into a greater story. IndieMindedpremiered the track, saying, "...reminiscent of The Talking Heads having lunch with David Bowie, The Mountain Carol have a sound that will bring you in immediately. "
The band's music often centers on the everlasting feeling of yearning, searching, and seeking of gratification. "There is a lot to search for, isn’t there? Searching comes from wanting, and anything that is wanted must be sought and found. Many Mountain Carol songs involve this adventure." The band teased the meaning of the track, "The title of this track is not pronounced “DYE-NO” but “DEAN-O,” as in Dean Martin— one of The Mountain Carol’s biggest influences. We don't like to get too specific about lyrics, so as not to spoil each listener’s individual magic." Coming out of the North Country of upstate New York, the band revel in mystery and riddles, forcing listeners to awaken from their slumber and discover their own path to conclusions.
The Mountain Carol's journey towards creating their new release wasn't always easy. "'Dino' was the first vocal track to be recorded for Starkiller and the Banshees, and Bruce was still in the late stages of laryngitis at the time. Yet we all agreed it was the most emotionally powerful delivery of all the songs on the record." The trio recorded with engineer James Ward at Wayward Sound Studio in Plattsburgh, NY.
Following in the themes of past videos with storylines abound, "Dino" introduces a mysterious new character, for which the band only replied with further questions; "this sailor in black, who is he, and what is he searching for? Is he related to any other figures we’ve seen?" Always pioneers of the DIY-effort, the band self-shot, produced and edited the visual creation. Filmed on the banks of the Saranac River in Plattsburgh, NY, "Dino" explores the complicated experience of friendship and love, showcasing two characters conversing in the snowfall. Without sound to their exchange and dispute, it only leads to further questions, as the searching for answers continues, waiting to be unearthed with the rest of the release.
Starkiller and the Banshees will be released via Third Eye Industries on June 1, 2018 and is available for pre-order now, in digital and CD formats through the band's Bandcamp. "Dino" is out everywhere now for stream and purchase, including SpotifyApple Music, and Bandcamp.

 The Mountain Carol - "Dino" (Official Music Video)

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