Thursday, April 19, 2018

Phyllis Davis formed a strong one-on-one relationship with actor-singer and big time Las Vegas headliner Dean Martin, actually living with him for a year......

Hey pallies, likes we were so powerfully pysched to be able to share a bit of info on our lovin' Dino and his intimate relationship with the lovely actress Miss Phyllis Davis yester-Dino-day that we simply had to do some more googlin' to see if we coulda finds more Dino-details on the relationship between Miss Davis and our Dino.  We struck pay dirt when we found  a potent post from a blog tagged "the Wanderling" tagged "THAILAND, TERMINAL ISLAND, TERMINAL CANCER -PHYLLIS DAVIS - ONE WOMAN'S SEARCH FOR ENLIGHTENMENT."

Early in this blog postin' we found a powerful paragraph that we have shared below that Miss Phyllis "formed a strong one-on-one relationship with actor-singer and big time Las Vegas headliner Dean Martin, actually living with him for a year, the relationship eventually ending for reasons unknown."
We don't ever remember readin' anywhere before that Miss Davis and our Dino had this intimate on-goin' relationship includin' a year of sharin' quarters together.  Likes what a thrill it musta been for Miss Davis to had this amazin' opportunity to share life with our most beloved Dino!

We thank the unknown scriber of "the Wonderling" for sharin' this Dino-revelation with the larger Dino-world, and if youse woulda likes to read the powerful prose on Miss Phyllis Davis in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  We have done quite a bit of searchin' of the ol' net for more images of our Dino and Miss Phyllis, but the only one we have been able to locate is the cool candid that we shared yesterday, so we will rerun it 'gain this very Dino-day.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for phyllis davis and dean martin




the Wanderling

During that same period, the late 1970s and even beyond the end of the series (VEGA$), leading somewhere into the early to mid-1980s, Phyllis Davis formed a strong one-on-one relationship with actor-singer and big time Las Vegas headliner Dean Martin, actually living with him for a year, the relationship eventually ending for reasons unknown.


  1. Wow! What a read, pal! Lotta interestin’ Thins’ rolled into this prose! The Dino info is definitely the cherry on the sundae but man! Sad how Ms. Davis passed. Was a very spiritual person. I’m sure she & Dino had a great bond & some great great times. Thanks for sharin’, DMP.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, woulda have been amazin' to hear Miss Phyllis speak of her lovin' relationship with our Dino. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
