Saturday, March 24, 2018

.....with Dean Martin on the jukebox

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Hey pallies, likes have we got a Dino-hearted story for youse this very Dino-day!  The annals of ilovedinomartin have time after time shared the tremendous transformin' power of our Dino and today's Dino-epistle is 'nother awesomely amazin' extraordinary example of such! 

Likes from the online presence of the BBC (British Broadcasting Company)  comes the touchin' 'n tender tale of a great guy tagged Lenny, "The barber helping men with dementia."  As youse will read below Mr. Lenny "takes his pop-up barbershop to dementia care homes."   Likes to add "emotional memories" to the experience, Lenny brings 'long a portable jukebox playin' cool croons by our one and only Dino!

How keenly kind and wonderfully wise of barber Lenny to bring comfort his costumers with the soothin' croonin' of our King of Cool.  We thanks the folks of the BBC for bringin' this sweet story to the world wide web, and we thank Mr. Lenny for bein' such a carin' sorta dude in usin' his tremendous talents to men with dementia.

Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will find the original postin' that includes a vid clip sharin' this supreme story.  And, likes how thrilled we are to know that our one and only Dino keeps bringin' comfort 'n cheer decades after his departure from our planet.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

The barber helping men with dementia thumbnail

The barber helping men with dementia

Lenny takes his pop-up barbershop to dementia care homes, providing a much-needed service to the men who live there. But Lenny does more than cut their hair: he unlocks their emotional memories by recreating the barbershop experience of their youth, with Dean Martin on the jukebox and a spray of lemon cologne in the air. "He doesn't rush you and he makes you feel so at home," says Sidney, 92.


  1. Nice guy. Awesome to see Lenny usin’ the familiar sounds of Dino to bring some happy memories back to these cool cool fellas!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, it does our Dino-hearts good to see pallies likes Barber Lenny usin' his gifts and the transformin' power of our Dino to bring comfort and joy to these, as you sez, "cool cool fellas!" Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Lenny, so totally thrilled that your discovered our Dino-patter on your wonderful care of older men and the transformin' power of our most most most beloved DINO!
