Saturday, March 17, 2018

Our Dino O'Martin Croonin' Irish Lullaby On This Day Of The Wearin' Of The Green

Hey pallies, likes top of the mornin' to Dino-holics every which way on this Day Of The Wearin' Of The Green.  On St. Patrick's Day, March 17, everybody is Irish for at least one day of the year, and likes  continuin' our long standin' proud Paddy pallie practice here at ilovedinomartin, we once 'gain shares with all youse sold-out-to-Dino devotees our most beloved Dino O'Martin singin' his version of "Irish Lullaby" to Mr. Jerry Lewis.

This is indeed our most fav moment from the Martin and Lewis big screen epic "At War With The Army."  While we gotta 'fess up that "AWWTA" is our least fav of the Martin and Lewis flicks, we have powerfully  pure passion for this most touchin' and tender moment of screen magic. Our  Dino's hugely heartfelt rendition of "Irish Lullaby" brings such joy to our heart as he sings it in the most wondrously winsome  way.   The music box background music is perfect for this genuinely gentle Dino-croon.

And, with yester-Dino-day bein' the 92 anniversary of Mr. Jerry Lewis' birth, we find this truly touchin' 'n tender tune sung by our most beloved Dino to his most beloved partner most most marvelously meanin'ful now that our Dino and Mr. Lewis have both departed planet earth.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

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